Презентация на тему «Мой герой»
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

My hero is Leonidas — king of Sparta

1. Презентация на тему «Мой герой»

Делал : Анцыгин Андрей


My hero is Leonidas — king of Sparta .He was
considered a descendant of Heracles .
During the ten years of his reign Leonid didn't
do anything remarkable, but he has
immortalized his name the battle of
Thermopylae (Hot gates). He defended with 6
thousand soldiers (including his personal
guard of 300 Spartans) in the pass of
Thermopylae when the Persian troops attack
and was killed in battle.



200 000 Persians for two days unsuccessfully stormed
Thermopylae. But the traitor Ephialtes had spent the night
a squad of Immortals (Persian guard) mountain path in the
bypass position Leonid to hit the Greeks from the rear.
After receiving a message about it, Leonidas has saved
most of the troops, sending him deep into the country,
and he remained at Thermopylae with 300 Spartans. On
their own were also 700 thespice under the command of
Demofile and 400 Thebans under the command of
Leontiades. To cover the retreat, the soldiers Leonid
rushed to meet the Persians and hindered their advance as
long until they all perished on the battlefield. Furious
heavy losses and desperate resistance of the Spartans.
Because of this heroic act, he became my hero .
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