
And Game. Sport


2. And Game


Sport (UK) or sports (US) are all forms of
usually competitive physical activity or games
which, through casual or organised participation, aim
to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills
while providing entertainment to participants, and in
some cases, spectators.

4. Basketball- [ ˈbɑː.skɪt.bɔːl ]

Basketball is a sport played
by two teams of five players
on a rectangular court .

5. Volleyball-[ ˈvɑː.li.bɑːl ]

Volleyball is a team sport
in which two teams of six
players are separated by a net.
Each team tries to score
points by grounding a ball
on the other team's court
under organized rules.It
has been a part of the
official program of the
Summer Olympic Games
since 1964.

6. Tennis-[ ˈten.ɪs ]


Sportsmanship- спортивная ловкость
[ ˈspɔːts.mən.ʃɪp ]
Sportsman- спортсмен-[ ˈspɔːts.mən ]
Rolling on skates- Катание на коньках- [ ˈrəʊ.lɪŋ ]
Hit boll- ХИТБОЛ- [ hɪt ] [ bəʊl ]
SQUASH- Cквош -[ skwɒʃ ]

8. Крикет - cricket

9. Бокс- Boxer- [ ˈbɒk.sər ]

10. Thai boxing- тайский бокс

11. Gymnastics- [ dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks ]

12. Archery- [ ˈɑː.tʃə.ri ]

Archery is the sport,
practice or skill of using
a bow to propel arrows.
The word comes from
the Latin arcus

13. Ball- [ bɔːl ]

14. Diving-[ ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ ]

15. Sumo

(相撲 sumō?) is a competitive full-
contact wrestling sport where a rikishi (wrestler)
attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring
(dohyō) or into touching the ground with anything
other than the soles of the feet. The characters 相撲
literally mean "striking one another".


Fencing- ограждение- [ ˈfen.sɪŋ ]
Gliding- скольжение Team- команда-[ tiːm ]
Rival- конкурент-[ ˈraɪvl ]
Wrestling- борьба-[ ˈres.lɪŋ ]
Darts- метания-[ dɑːt ]
Game- игра -[ ɡeɪm ]
Boat – лодка- [ bəʊt ]
Sticks-палки-[ stɪk ]
Tracksuit – костьюм -

17. Athletics- [ æθˈlet.ɪks ]


Skis-Лыжи Saddle-Сидло-[ ˈsæd.l̩ ]
Short-Шорты-[ ʃɔːt ]
Hack-Дорожка-[ hæk ]
Rink-Ринг -[ rɪŋk ]
Pitch-площадка-[ pɪtʃ ]
Stadium-стадион [ ˈsteɪ.di.əm ]
Arrow- стрела-[ ˈærəʊ ]
Course –место-[ kɔːs ]


Biathlon-Биатлон - [ ˈbæd.mɪn.tən ]
Billiard sport-Бильярдный спорт Bowling-Боулинг- [ ˈbəʊ.lɪŋ ]
Badminton-Бадминтон- [ ˈbæd.mɪn.tən ]

20. Bowling- [ ˈbəʊ.lɪŋ ]

Bowling (from the eng of to bowl -
to roll) is the sportingplaying balls, that happened fro
m playing bowling pins. Aimof game to hammer together with a help as possible lessof the
balls allowed by hands the bowling pins set by thespeci
al character in the end without a side path
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