
On the guard of national safety of Ukraine. My future profession


On the guard of
national safety of
My future profession


Who we are?
What I would like to be? This
question passes me greatly. Every
job has its elements of difficulties
and interest. I think that nearly all
the professions are very important
in life But to choose the right
occupation is very difficult, because
we must take in to consideration
many factors. We must consider our
personal taste and our kind of mind.
As far as I want to stay military man.
I suppose, that without this
profession our country couldn't
reach high level in the field of


Sluzhba Bespeky
Ukrayiny (SBU)
Security Service of
The Security Service of Ukraine
(Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny, or
SBU) is a law enforcement agency
responsible for protecting the
state security of Ukraine.


Missions and goals
It is responsible for state security (including
secret police tasks), external security and
non-military intelligence, counterintelligence,
"crimes against state and people" (counterterrorism, smugglish, weapons trade, ect), as
well as the personal security of the President,
the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), and other
officials and institutions.


On September 20, 1991, by adopting the Regulation "On Establishment of the
National Security Service of Ukraine," the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
(Ukraine's Parliament) liquidated the State Security Committee of the Soviet
Socialist Republic of Ukraine (Ukrainian KGB).


Symbols and emblems of SSU
The Standard of the Head of
the Security
Service of Ukraine
The Coat of Arms of the
Headquarters of the
Security Service of
The Flag of the Security
Service of Ukraine




Counterintelligence has always been and remains SSU's mainstream activity. The SSU
does not employ the principle of "total" counterintelligence search. Differentiated
approach to the organization of counteraction to specific foreign special services is being
introduced instead.


In 1992, the SBU uncovered and stopped the espionage activities of G. Sarkisian, a
stateless person, and A. Tkachenko, a Ukrainian citizen, who collected information on
modern anti-aircraft missiles, fulfilling the tasks of a foreign intelligence service in this
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