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Punks fashion


Theme: punks fashion.
Lotohov Danil
10-B class


Punk, punks (English punk bad, trashy) - a subculture that
arose in the late 1960s - early
1970s in the UK, USA, Canada
and Australia.
Punk originates in the 1960s
when, under the influence of
The Beatles and The Rolling
Stones, many young rock and
roll bands began to appear.
Bands such as the Ramones
and Sex Pistols are considered
the first bands to play punk
rock music.


Many punks dye their hair in bright unnatural colors, comb and fix them with
varnish, diamond or gel to make them stick out. In the 1980s, the Iroquois
hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear ripped jeans tucked
into heavy boots or tucked under heavy boots (Dr. Martens) and sneakers


Various attributes of rocker subcultures are
an integral part of the punk style: wristbands,
bracelets (mainly leather, with spikes, rivets
and chains, etc.), they also often make them
themselves. Many punks make tattoos.


Punk jeans are usually worn in torn, worn
jeans; they attach chains from dog leashes to
jeans; various stripes are also sewn on jeans,
for example, with the logos of your favorite
punk bands and anti-political phrases.


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