 When people sleep they often dream (v) (have dreams (n)).  Sometimes we have very bad dreams which we name nightmare. 
teeth falling out = you anxious about your appearance being chased = you feel confused, you have a lot on your mind falling =
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Dreams. Superstitions



1) Vocabulary (word work; dictionary entries; quiz)
2) Expressing:
– concern
3) Acting out dialogues
4) Discussing
5) Reading

3.  When people sleep they often dream (v) (have dreams (n)).  Sometimes we have very bad dreams which we name nightmare. 

When people sleep they often dream (v) (have dreams (n)).
Sometimes we have very bad dreams which we name nightmare.
Nightmare is a horrible dream.
I had a nightmare last night. I was running away from somebody
who was chasing me.
My friend often has very bad dreams in which a horrible creature
chases him.
When we get to a new or an unknown place we can lose our way
(get lost).
My house is far from my school and sometimes I’m late for the
first lesson because I miss the bus I get to school.
I haven’t studied English hard, that is why I am unable to pass
my English test.
He thinks people like him. He thinks he is very attractive. He
always does what he wants. He is a confident man.
Tom is very sad; he doesn’t want to speak to anybody. Tom has
failed his English exam.
Katie has come to a new school. She doesn’t know anybody in her
class. That is why she feels confused.


dream / to dream [dri:m] – сон / видеть сны
nightmare [nait’meə] – кошмар (ночной)
over and over – снова и снова, много раз подряд
to chase [t eis] – преследовать
creature [’kri: t ə] – существо
horrible [hǒrəbəl] – ужасный, отвратительный
being lost – потеряться
recognize [’rekəgnaiz] – признавать, узнавать
unable [’^neibl] – неспособный
to miss – упустить, опоздать (на поезд, автобус и т.д.)
to fail [feil] – терпеть неудачу, провалить (экзамен)
to speculate [’spekjυleit] / speculating – рассуждать / рассуждения
doubt / to doubt [daυt] – сомнение / сомневаться
to realisе [’riəlaiz] – понимать, представлять себе
meaning [mi:niŋ] – значение
mind [maind] - разум


a) creature
1) dream in which unpleasant or horrible events or situations take place
b) nightmare
2) book which contains interpretations of the dreams meaning
c) being lost
3) not to recognize where you are
d) over and over
4) somebody or something (alive) who you can’t recognize
e) dream dictionary
5) events, situations, phenomena, dreams which repeat again and again
f) confident
6) person who thinks he always does everything alright


– What is (what’s) the matter?
– Everything will be alright (o’key).
– Is everything alright (o’key)?
– I’m really worried (anxious) about it!
– That is not the point.
– Is there something wrong?
– You will be fine.
– I can’t believe it!
– Try not to worry too much.
– What is the problem?
– Oh, my God!
– That’s a loud of rubbish.
– Oh, that’s horrible!

7. teeth falling out = you anxious about your appearance being chased = you feel confused, you have a lot on your mind falling =

you under stress
flying = you are feeling confident
being lost = you have lost your way in life
missing a bus, train, airplane = you are sad
because you have missed an opportunity
exams = you are stressed out because you are
unprepared for something
being unable to move = you feel lost, you don’t
know what to do about a situation
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