Superstitions and Beliefs
Whether or not you believe in them, you're probably familiar with a few of these superstitions. 
Which statements do you agree with the most? Why?
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
What do these sentences express?
Ex. 7 page 13
Ex. 8a page 13
H\W: P. 12, learn the new words (in pictures + the word “superstition”) by heart
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Superstitions and Beliefs. Lesson 1b

1. Superstitions and Beliefs

Lesson 1b


Are you afraid of black cats?
How do you feel about
the number thirteen?
Superstition – a belief in
things or events that bring good or bad
luck that is not logical or has no scientific

3. Whether or not you believe in them, you're probably familiar with a few of these superstitions. 

Whether or not you believe in them,
you're probably familiar with a few of
these superstitions.
Seeing a shooting star
Killing a spider
A ladybird lands on your hand
Seeing a rainbow
Braking a mirror
Walking under ladders
Finding a four-leaf clover
Full moon
Good luck
Bad luck
Good luck
Very good luck
Very bad luck
Bad luck
Good luck
Bad luck / trouble

4. Which statements do you agree with the most? Why?

a)It’s better to be safe than sorry
b)Superstitions are an important part of my life
c)You make your own luck
d)Superstitions have no place in the modern
e)Superstitions are just a bit of fun


Workbook Ex. 2 page 5
a) Read the statements again
b) Listen and match the statements (A-E) to
the speakers (1-5)


7. Speaker 1

I’m not superstitious at all. I mean, most
people say touch wood for good luck,
but I don’t even do that. To tell you the
truth, I don’t think that being successful
in life is about being lucky or unlucky. I
think you need to know what you want
and then work hard to get it. That’s what
makes a lucky person, in my opinion.

8. Speaker 2

Is there any reason to believe in
superstitions? Probably not. But
nobody really knows. If I see a ladder
across my path, for example, I always
walk around it – you know, just in
case. I just don’t want to take the risk,
that’s all.

9. Speaker 3

I never touch wood, throw salt over my
shoulder, carry a lucky charm, that kind
of thing. I can’t believe people still
believe in these silly superstitions today.
I think we should forget them and leave
them in the past, where they belong. I’m
certainly not going to teach my children
to believe in any of that rubbish.

10. Speaker 4

I don’t take superstitions very seriously,
but they are a kind of hobby. I love to sit
down with friends and chat about
something strange that has happened. We
all laugh and tell each other that it is a sign
of good or bad luck! Sometimes we try to
guess what might happen next. Of course,
we never guess correctly, but we always
enjoy ourselves trying!

11. Speaker 5

I find them all so interesting! You know,
every superstition has its own history. I
love to learn where each one has come
from and how it has changed. Our
superstitions have even become a part
of the way we think and speak. Every
country in the world has its different
superstitions, and I think they’re
absolutely fascinating!


Let’s check


• Expressing concern – выражение
озабоченности (небезразличия)
• Expressing worry – выражение
• Reassure – утешать/ободрять
• Anxious – беспокоящийся
• Old wives’ tales – бабушкины сказки

14. What do these sentences express?

What’s the matter?
Are you all right?
What’s troubling you?
I am a bit anxious /
Don’t worry. Everything
will be all right.
There’s nothing to
worry about.
Не волнуйся. Всё
будет в порядке.
Тебе не о чем
В чем дело?
У тебя всё в порядке?
Что тебя беспокоит?
Я немного волнуюсь.

15. Ex. 7 page 13

16. Ex. 8a page 13

• What are the most popular superstitions in
your family?

17. H\W: P. 12, learn the new words (in pictures + the word “superstition”) by heart

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