Diapositive 1
Категория: КультурологияКультурология

Thanksgiving. Diapositive

1. Diapositive 1

2. In the year 1620, a little ship came to America. It was called the Mayflower. There were one hundred people on the ship.

3. The people were called Pilgrims. They came from England.

4. The Pilgrims wanted to have their own church. They could not have their own church in England.

5. The first winter was very cold. The Pilgrims did not have much food. They did not have warm clothes

6. The Pilgrims got sick. Many Pilgrims died. It was a terrible time.

7. In the spring, Indians came to visit. They were friendly. Two Indians could speak English.

8. The Indians showed the Pilgrims how to plant corn.

9. The Pilgrims worked hard. They cut down trees. They built houses. They learnt to hunt the turkeys that lived in the woods.

10. When fall came, the Pilgrims were very happy because they had a lot of food for the winter.

11. They made a big dinner. They invited the Indians to come and eat with them.

12. The Indians brought deer for the dinner. They cooked outside. They ate and ate for three days.

13. The Pilgrims were thankful for the good things they had. This was the first Thanksgiving in America.

14. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln said there would be a national day of Thanksgiving. Since then Americans have officially

Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday
of November.
• President Abraham

15. This year on November 22nd, people all over the USA will be getting together with their families to enjoy roast turkey and

cranberry sauce.

16. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries and more…

17. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade passes Times Square in Manhattan

18. THE END!

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