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Hseimun diplomacy club
1. Welcome to hseimun diplomacy club!
SCHEDULE FOR TODAY• Information about club itself
• General facts about UN institutions
• Indicative debates
• General rules of procedure and order of the debates
• Pretty slide with cats telling “Thanks for coming!!1!1” and “See you next
3. So what is hseimun club?
• Meetings will be held from October 19 to November 30 each Saturday at 16:50-18:10• At 6 simulations, issues related to the agenda of 6 committees will be discussed
• They are: Security Council, SOCHUM, EnvCom, ECOSOC, DISEC, ICJ
• https://vk.com/hseimunclub - to contact us and get useful information and materials for
• edu@hseimun.org – in case you don’t have VK. (Just write us that you need dispatch of all
information via email)
5. Institutional architecture of the un
INSTITUTIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE UN6. Institutional architecture of the un
INSTITUTIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE UN• Security Council - responsible for the maintenance of international
peace and security; may adopt compulsory resolutions; has fifteen
members: five permanent members with veto power and ten elected members.
(Chapter V: Art.23,24,26)
• The General Assembly - may resolve non-compulsory recommendations to
states or suggestions to the Security Council; decides on the admission of new
members, following proposal by the UNSC; adopts the budget; has 6
subsidiary organs (Chapter IV: Art.9-17)
7. Institutional architecture of the un
INSTITUTIONAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE UNInternational Court of Justice – universal court for international law, decides disputes between
states that recognize its jurisdiction; issues legal opinions. (Chapter XIV: Art. 92-96)
Economic and Social Council - responsible for co-operation between states as regards economic
and social matters; co-ordinates co-operation between the UN's numerous specialized agencies
(Chapter X: Art.61-66)
And remember: No interference in internal affairs of the country, violation of sovereignty and
territorial integrity (Chapter I: Art.2) , No collection of funds from UN members to solve the issue.
8. Orders of the debates in clause-by-clause system
ORDERS OF THE DEBATES IN CLAUSE-BY-CLAUSE SYSTEM• Introduction of chairs, ice-break activities, presenting the agenda
• Roll-call
• Policy statements reading
• Chair calls the main submitter to present his clause to the house
• Chair sets the debate time and debate mode
• Main submitter delivers his speech to the house and then answers points of
• Debates on the clause (speeches in favour/against, proposing amendments)
• Voting on the clause
• Voting on the resolution after the consideration of all clauses
9. Debate time and debate mode
• In the first part of the debates only nations in favor of the clause/amendment can
take the floor. In the second part – only those nations that are against (f.e 2
speeches in favor, 2 speeches against)
Open debates
• Any nation wishing to speak either in favor or against the whole resolution may
take the floor (ex. 30 min of open debates)
10. Amendments and amendments of the 2nd degree
POINTS1. Point of Personal Privilege:
• Refers to the comfort and well-being of the delegate,
• May only interrupt a speaker if it refers to audibility,
• Is not debatable
• Does not require a second
2. Point of Order (Refers to procedural matters only, i.e. if the chair
makes an error in the order of debate or in the setting of debate time)
3. Right to follow up
4. Point of information to the speaker (A question directed to the delegatehaving the floor, and who has indicated that he is willing to answer points of
• Must be formulated in the form of a question, i.e. "Is the speaker
aware that." A short introductory statement may precede the question,
• Only ONE question by the same questioner. There will be no dialogue
between speaker and questioner on the floor
5. Point of Information to the Chair:
• A question to the chair,
• May not interrupt a speaker,
• Can refer to almost anything, from issues to personal priorities
6. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry:• Point of information to the chair concerning Rules of Procedures,
• Example: "Could the Chair please explain to the house what is meant by
closed debate?”
1. "Motion to move to the previous (but in fact following lmao) question“• During open debates calls for the closure of debate and vote,
• During closed debates calls for moving into the time against;
2. "Motion adjourn the debate“:
• Calls for the temporary disposal of a resolution,
• Practically means the death of the resolution, due to lack of time
3. "Motion to reconsider a resolution“ (Calls for a re-debate and re-vote of a
motion that has already been discussed (adopted or rejected)
4. “Motion to extend debate time” (Calls for extension of the debates)5. “Motion to divide the house” (roll-call vote; may be used in case of arguable
results of the previous voting procedure)
6. “Motion for a moderated caucus’’ (formal discussion of the agenda by
delivering speeches related to the topic in the time period set by the delegates’
consensus. Max: 20 min)
7. ”Motion for an unmoderated caucus” (informal negotiations with the purpose
of consultation and correction of the document, there is the right to move freely
about the room, speak without being given the floor. Max: 20 min)