“Attaching of primary schoolchildren to folk culture in the process of making a rag doll in the system of additional education”

Attaching of primary schoolchildren to folk culture

1. “Attaching of primary schoolchildren to folk culture in the process of making a rag doll in the system of additional education”

Scientific research
“Attaching of primary
schoolchildren to folk culture
in the process of making a
rag doll in the system of
additional education”
Author Drozhina Marina

2. Scientific director: Gilevich Galina Ivanovna

3. Research objectives:

to identify methodological features of making rag doll
To identify criteria for evaluation and level of knowledge in
the sphere of folk culture
To develop and to verify experimentally a methodic system of
attaching of primary schoolchildren to folk culture, which
includes stages, purposes, objectives, contents, principles of
making training tasks and methods, which are directed to
attaching to folk culture
To identify a level of primary schoolchildren’s knowledge of
folk culture sphere and to analyze knowledge increasing

4. The research article “The role of Russian folk toy in children’s inclusion in folk culture”

was sent to the digest of articles “Modern education: the way to the

5. Practical part (example):

6. The process of making rag doll is very interesting for children, also it helps to know a lot about life of Russian ancestors in

centuries, their traditions. It’s very important
for the generational “connection”.

7. Interesting and useful for children and for adult:

8. Practice:

I opened a new group of sewing and making dolls and toys in the club,
where I work – the house of culture “Gagarinets”
Now we are ready to start making folk rag dolls

9. Thank you for your attention!

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