Who is the author of these characters?

Who is the author of these characters?

1. Who is the author of these characters?

2. Where is this quotation taken from? Who is the author?

“Human history becomes more and more a
race between education and catastrophe”.
“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself,
but talent instantly recognizes genius.”

3. “Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow, Farewell to the strath and green valleys below…” Who wrote this poem?


One of the greatest authors of “ghost” stories is…
a) Conan Doyle
b) Mark Twain
c) Edgar Poe

5. Who was born in Ireland?

a) R.L.Stevenson
b) W. Scott
c) G.B.Shaw


Who is this character and
who is it written by ?


It is a play about love
and jealousy, a play
about a person who
believed the lie and killed
his wife whom he loved
Whose play is this and
what is its name?


How many novels did Agatha Christie
a) More than a hundred
b) 68
c) 78


The story written by this author is based
on real adventures of a sailor. Who is he?


He is a famous writer and these words belong
to one of his characters:
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long
words bother me.”
Who is this?


Where is this scene from?
Who is the author?


One of Shakespeare’s characters
“Have more than you show. Speak less
than you know.”
Who is he?


What is the name of this book? Who is the author?


It is the story of a man who
was so proud so egoistic that
he could not understand a
world around him. He heard
only what he wanted to hear;
he saw only what he wanted
to see.
What is the name of this

15. Whose books are they?


Match the quotations
“To be or not to be
That is the question”
2. “All the world’s a
stage, and all the men
and women merely
3. “How sharper than a
serpent’s tooth it is to have
a thankless child…”
4. “Something is rotten in
the state of Denmark”.
5. “One that loved not
wisely but too well”.
6. “Every inch a king”.
7. “Lord, what fools these
mortals be”.
a. «…острей зубов змеиных
неблагодарность детища!»
b. «Король, король – от головы
до ног!»
c. «Быть или не быть
Вот в чем вопрос».
d. «Весь мир – театр. В нем
женщины, мужчины – все
e. «Как безумен род людской!»
f. «Подгнило что-то в датском
g. «…этот человек любил без
меры и благоразумия».
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