April, 14
Придаточные предложения времени и условия (when, as soon as(как только), if)
If/ when clauses
Future Simple or Present Simple?
Ask what will happen if… and answer:
Home task:
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Pronouns. 5th form

1. April, 14

5th form

2. Pronouns

• Ex. 5-7 check
• New words
• Ex. 11 p. 81
To go boating
To row

3. Придаточные предложения времени и условия (when, as soon as(как только), if)

• Я дам ему книгу, когда\как только\если он придет.
• I will give him the book when
• I will give him the book as soon
• I will give him the book if
• В придаточных времени и условия после союзов when, if, as soon
as не употребляется будущее время.


5. If/ when clauses

• Circle the correct variant
• If I (will go/go) to Tomsk, I (will saty/stay) at the hotel.
• If you (will take/take) a taxi, you (will come/come) early.
• If we (will have/have) a party, we (will invite/invite) Boris.
• I (will make/make) jam if I (will buy/buy) some apples.
• They (will visit/visit) London if they (will go/go) to England.
• I (will write/write) him a letter when I (will find/find) his address.
• He (will have/have/has) lunch in the office if he (will/will be/is) busy.
• He (will shout/shout/shouts) if he (will/will be/is) angry.

6. Future Simple or Present Simple?

When I __________ (see) her, I __________ (show) her the photo.
If you __________ (drink) cold milk, you __________ (fall) ill.
If you __________ (stand) on the chair, you __________ (see) everything.
If you __________ (work) hard today, you __________ (be) free tomorrow.
We __________ (be) busy tomorrow if they __________ (come) at 3.
If you __________ (take) the medicine, you __________ (be) OK soon.
I __________ (be) happy if Linda __________ (show) me the photo.
He __________ (be) very angry) if you __________ (take) his bike.
If you __________ (find) the bag, Anton __________ (be) really happy.

7. Ask what will happen if… and answer:

• you/find an old coin What will you do if you find an old coin?
• meet: What _____________________ if you
_______________________ a president?
• see: What _____________________ if you ___________________ a
beautiful butterfly?
• get: What ___________________________________________ get a
puppy as a present?
• have: What______________________________________________
an exam tomorrow?

8. Home task:

• 1) Ex. 8-9 p. 80-81 orally.
• 2) p. 81-82 learn the words orally.
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