Life at the University. Success.
Задания на контроль. (прислать по электронной почте) до 20 апреля 20-00
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Life at the University. Success

1. Life at the University. Success.



Watch the video and do tasks
“The interview” by Cambridge University
1. What qualities do the interviewers try to find in the interviewees? Find the answers in
the video and make a list. You can see it on the screen with
2. Questions:
What the interviewers want to know about their candidate?
How many courses interviews did you watch? What are they?
How does the interview go? What is the plan of the interview?
If the interviewees don’t understand what the interviewers asked or said what does he or she need to
5. Why do the interviewers need to make notes?
6. What do the interviewees need to do before the interview if they want to enroll in college?
7. If the interviewee has some difficulties what is the interviewer’s reaction?
8. What kinds of tasks are given to the interviewees? Why?
9. What is the general aim for interviewers of all this process of interviewing?
10. What is the atmosphere while the interviewing?

3. Задания на контроль. (прислать по электронной почте) [email protected] до 20 апреля 20-00

В данной презентации представлены сразу два задания для
двух уроков.
1. Просмотрите видео “The interview” и запишите
качества, которые необходимы будущим студентам. Вы
сможете их увидеть прямо на экране.
2. Ответьте на вопросы к видео. Для этого нужно
внимательно слушать и смотреть видео.
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