I wold like to go to Portugal


I wold Like to go


The westernmost country in Europe, Portugal, is famous for
unreasonable modesty. She never boasted about the number of
fashionable boutiques, did not lure to herself with unusual
architecture, but she always fell in love with herself at first sight.


1. Find yourself at the edge of the earth
Everyone knows that Portugal, located in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula,
was just at the outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Cape Cabo da Roca is the most
extreme point on the western side of Eurasia. That is why the locals call this rocky
cliff the end of the earth. Looking from it towards the ocean, one can imagine that
there is a whole unknown ahead, and only then does the American continent
begin. In this place, right on the edge of the cliff, you can get an unforgettable
pleasure from the power of the elements, which will surely inspire new thoughts.
And it is also a reason to visit Portugal and go with your loved one "even to the
ends of the world" - that's where he is.


2. Become a witness to bullfighting in Portuguese Surely you
know that bullfighting is a traditional Spanish bullfighting
However, in Portugal, a seemingly neighboring country, the rules for
conducting battles were revised. First of all, the bullfight is called
Torada and, despite the comparative cruelty, it fascinates with its
beauty so much that it is worth visiting Portugal only for its sake.
Also, the fact that it is strictly not allowed to kill a bull in public is
arousing greater respect for her. After the completion of the
traditional event, he is simply returned to the herd. If, in the event of
a battle, the bull is injured, he will be cured and left to breed. The very
same "knight on horseback" - a caballero, also insured against mortal
wounds. He puts on special leather covers on the bull's horns. In the
arena, he is helped by the furcados, who take the bull into the corral.
An interesting and unusual sight.


Try a new sport The proximity to the water makes water sports highly
Surfing, diving, water skiing, windsurfing. You definitely won't want to visit
Portugal just to sunbathe in the sun.
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