Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

5 interesting facts about England


5 interesting facts about England


1 England
has the
rate of
obesity in


2 For absenteeism
of schoolchildren,
their parents may
be subject to
criminal liability


3 In England, it is extremely rare
for snow to fall in winter. If one
centimeter of snow fell, then this
is a whole event. Cities get up,
transport does not work, planes
do not fly, everyone runs to make
mangy snowmen and ride down
slides on inflatable mattresses.
Utilities almost do not keep snow
removal equipment, apparently it
is cheaper to suffer multimilliondollar losses every year than to
maintain equipment


4 In Britain, there is no residence
permit, but without a Bank
account and a card, there is
almost nothing you can do, much
less live legally. The place of
residence is determined by
invoices that are paid through a
Bank account. All the bills are
proof that you have lived here
and may be needed for various
bureaucratic needs. Therefore, a
resident of Britain at home keeps
a lot of waste paper from paper
utility bills, salary payslips.


5 You can only watch TV at home by paying a tax of
about 10 pounds a month. Special services can
come and check whether you have a TV license.
The tax goes into the pocket of the Royal air force
of great Britain. Due to it, there is much less
advertising on television than in Russia, for
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