
Travel to London


Marina Sergeeva


London is the capital of Great Britain
London is one of the largest cities in Europe.
It is a bright and bustling metropolis with a wonderful atmosphere.
London is located in the south-east of England on the River Thames,
which flows into the North Sea.


London is traditionally divided into several parts:
City, Westminster, West End and East End.
The city is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center.
Westminster is an official part of aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham
Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament.
The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants,
shops, clubs, and parks
The East End is an industrial area of London. There are many factories and the
Port of London.


The best way to get to know London is to visit it.


London, as the world capital of culture, art and
entertainment, attracts 15 million tourists
every year with its attractions


Big Ben
A huge tower with a height of 97 meters, with a giant clock and
bell weighs 13 tons .The tower is especially beautiful at night, in
the light of all four dials that illuminate it from each side


London Eye
The London Eye Ferris Wheel was built in 2000, and the Ferris Wheel
booths are made of glass in such a way that daredevils who dare to ride
on it have the opportunity to view the city from all sides. Before
boarding, all guests are entertained with a short film in 4D


Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace was built in 1837 and has been used as the residence of the royal family
since the ascension of Queen Victoria to the throne. To find out if the queen is at home, just
look at the flagpole that adorns the roof of the building: if the royal banner is flying, it means
that the queen is in the palace



Tower Bridge
It offers a wonderful view of London and the River Thames. The bridge
has a total length of 244 meters, in the middle there are two towers,
each 65 meters high.


London features
London's famous double-decker buses are not only a vibrant attraction, but also a quick,
convenient and affordable way to explore the city and explore its streets.Buses run around
London around the clock
Even in this age of mobile phones, London's streets are hard to imagine
without the famous phone booths.



1. London is the
capital of ....
a) Great Britain
b) the Netherlands
c) the Republic of
2. Big Ben weighs ....
a) more than 15 tons
b) 13kilogrammes
c) 13 tons
4.What color are the
buses in London?
a) Black
b) Red
c) Grey
5. In what part of
3. Which river runs
through London?
a)the Thames
b)the Severn
c)the Tweed
ugh London?
1.the Thames
2.the Severn
3.the Tweed
6. The best hotels,
London are the factories shops, restaurants,
and port located?
theatres are in…
a) The West End
а) the City
b) Westminster
b) Westminster
c) The East End
c) the West End
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