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Medical education in the Czech


Федеральное государственное бюджетное
образовательное учреждение высшего образования
Пермский государственный медицинский университет им.
академика Е. А. Вагнера
Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Кафедра иностранных языков
Medical education in the Czech
Выполнили студентки 1 курса
Педиатрического факультета
Нассонова Нина, Данилевич
Ксения, Козюкова Олеся
Ведущий преподаватель
Хохлова Анна Евгеньевна


Training lasts from 3 to 6 years. Teaching is conducted
according to the Bologna system:
Bachelor's degree-BC diploma, 3 years of study
Master's degree-Mgr title, 2 years of study
Doctorate – title MUDr.
Czech universities offer a 6-year General medicine program,
5-year program of dentistry and 5-year pharmaceutical
program in English and Czech. Training can also take place in
English and Czech.


The cost of programs in English is lower than in
some European countries. However, the quality
of education does not suffer. In the Czech
language foreign students can study free of


First-year medical students study everything from
Latin to surgery. There is no system for selecting
subjects of interest, as in the bachelor's degree
programs of many European universities. All
foreign students are required to study Czech in
their first year


You can choose an additional language already in
the 2nd year: English, French or Spanish. In
addition, in the 2nd year of study, in addition to
the main program, you can additionally study
several subjects. These may include courses on
rare infectious diseases, medical history, and
other subjects.


Most universities pay money for living expenses.
Students who receive their first higher education are
entitled to 700-800 kronor per month. Such financial
support is provided only by state universities. For good
studies, you can sometimes get a reward, in the form of
a scholarship. Scientific experiments and research can
also be encouraged. However, of all students, only 10%
reach a sufficient level to earn it.


The Czech Republic is interested in specialists in
the field of medicine. The state and hospitals
themselves are making efforts to retain graduates
and attract foreign specialists so that they do not
go to work in other countries.


• https://allterra.ru/articles/186843/
• https://www.educationcenter.cz/blog/medic
• https://www.globaldialog.ru/countries/czech
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