Great Britain.
Где расположена? Where GB is located?
Big Ben is the main attraction of London.
The Tower bridge.
Local population.
Great Britain is a very sport country.

Great Britain

1. Great Britain.

Автор работы: Никулин Никита.
Класс 6 «б»

2. Где расположена? Where GB is located?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain(GB) and
Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.
The British Isles consist
of two large islands,
Great Britain and
Ireland. London is the
capital of the Great

3. Big Ben is the main attraction of London.

O Big Ben is the symbol of Great Britain and one
of the most beautiful sights of London. It’s a
tower and the largest and the most famous
clock in the world.

4. The Tower bridge.

O The Tower bridge of London is one of the
most interesting historic sights of London
too. It is situated in the center of London on
the north bank of the River Thames.

5. Local population.

The population of Great
Britain is over 87 million.
Country is known as one of
world’s largest producers and
exporters of cars, electronics,
textile, aircraft and
navigation equipment.

6. Great Britain is a very sport country.

O Great Britain is the motherland of football.
O Great Britain has a great football team.


OThanks for watching.
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