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Gingivitis or periodontal disease




Gingivitis or periodontal disease
Gum disease, (gingivitis or periodontal disease), starts as an
inflammation of the gums that if left untreated affect and
gradually destroy the tissues surrounding and supporting the
Periodontal diseases are infections of the periodontal tissues,
which include the gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.
Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main stages of gum
disease. Without proper treatment of gum disease, the teeth will
finally become loose, fall out or have to be removed by a dentist.
General health risks caused by Periodontal Diseases.


Over the recent years there is increasing evidence to support the fact that
dental problems like periodontal diseases can cause serious health
problems. As stated by the American Academy of Periodontology,
periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, and all infections cause
concern. Periodontal bacteria can enter the blood stream and travel to
major organs and begin new infections.
Research is suggesting that periodontal disease may:
• Contribute to the development of heart disease, a leading cause of death.
• Increase the risk of stroke.
• Increase a woman's risk of having a preterm, low birth weight baby.
• Pose a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by diabetes,
respiratory diseases, of osteoporosis.


If you value your oral health as well as your overall health, a
periodontal evaluation is s good idea that might prove especially
The cause for periodontal disease:
• The accumulation of dental plaque and tartar is usually what causes
gingivitis, and it's almost always the result of inadequate brushing
and flossing.
• If poor oral hygiene promotes the overgrowth of bacterial plaque,
changes in the composition of the plaque occur. The bacterial
balance shifts over to gram negative anaerobic bacteria, which are
responsible for inflammatory diseases.
• The bacteria also invade the crevices between the gum and tooth
(sulcus) and infect the periodontal tissues. These bacterial form
dental plaque and tartar release toxins that stimulate the body's
immune system to over produce powerful infection-fighting called


Gingivitis symptoms-First sings of Gum Disease
Many people visit their dentist with serious periodontal disease because they are
not aware of what gum disease looks like early stages. There are some early sings of
gum disease that help us to detect it and fight it before it becomes a serious problem:
• Bleeding gums during brushing or glossing;
• Red, tender or swollen gums;
• Loss of attachment between teeth and gums- pocket creation;
• Receding gums that make teeth look longer than normal;
• Sensitive teeth or pain on chewing;
• Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth;
• Increased mobility of teeth;
• Pus coming from between your teeth and gums (abscess).


Fill in the correct word
Main, blood, recent, inadequate, major, immune, connective, infected.
… years
… organ
… stream
… tissue
… stage
… brushing
… factors … cells


Study note
■ Trauma - an emotional shock producing a lasting harmful effect
■ Wound - an injury to a part of the body by a weapon with cutting or tearing of the flesh
■ Harm- physical, mental or moral injury caused by actions or by an event
■ Damage - physical harm that is done to smth or a part of the body
■ Breakage - something that someone breaks
■ Injury - a physical harm to a person or an animal caused by an accident or an attack
Fill in the gaps
1. Motorcyclists without helmet run the risk of serious … .
2. The fire caused so much … to the house that owners had to rebuild it.
3. I think that it will be hard for Andy to recover from the … of witnessing such a terrible
accident at such young age.
4. The soldier had a deep bullet … in his leg.
5. Luckily, the collapsed roof did no serious … to the little give who had been hiding under the
6. These fragile items are insured against … .
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