Категория: КультурологияКультурология

The big bang theory


Ales Alina
Group 2113
Two brilliant physicists Leonard and
Sheldon are great minds who understand
how the universe works. However, their
genius doesn’t help them to communicate
with people, especially with women.
Everything changes when the beautiful
Penny settles in front of them.


Doctorate –[ˈdɒktərɪt] - докторская степень
Master's degree - [ˈmɑːstə'es dɪˈgriː] - степень
Distinguish - [dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ] – различать, отличать
Favorably - [ˈfeɪvərəblɪ] – выгодно, благоприятно


Leonard Leakey Hofstadter
A dark-haired, brown-eyed young man who is an
experimental physicist. He received his doctorate
at the age of 24. He shares an apartment with his
friend and colleague Sheldon Cooper.


Sheldon Lee Cooper
Sheldon is tall and thin, but a well-built man. His
height is 1.85 meters. He has brown hair and blue
eyes. He is a theoretical physicist who worked at
the California Institute of Technology. He has 1
master's degree and 2 doctorates.


One of the main characters of the series, a young and
attractive girl of 22 years old, a neighbor of Leonard
and Sheldon on the landing. She has an attractive
appearance and personal qualities that distinguish her
favorably from the rest of Leonard's friends.


Howard Joel Wolowitz
The Jew, one of the main male characters of the show, differs
in that he does not have a doctorate. He's an engineer at the
California Institute of Technology. He still lives with his mother
and considers himself a ladies' man.


This series seemed funny to me, that's why I chose it. The main characters have quite a lot
of hobbies, such as comics, board and computer games, various fantasy films, etc. If I had
the opportunity to become one of the heroes of a sitcom for a while, I would choose
Sheldon's life. In my opinion, she is the most fun, although there are some failures.


1. How old was Leonard when he received his
2. What color are Sheldon's eyes?
3. What can you say about Howard's place of
4. Who does Wolowitz work at the California
Institute of Technology?
5. What can you say about the series after reading
the basic information and viewing bright
pictures? Would you agree to watch it?
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