
Letter about yourself


My name is Joseph.
I was born on August 12, 2003 in the village of Novaya Igirma.
At the moment I am in Krasnodar. I came to see my family.
I am studying at the university and I want to achieve a lot on my
I'm an ordinary unremarkable guy. With hard work I go to my goal
and no matter what I achieve it.
I have a song that always makes me laugh. I'll turn it on


In English lessons, we only had a repetition of the times passed
I want to practice speech and pronunciation. Since I want to chat
in English like a pro
I really like English lessons
And I also want to repeat the song as Eminem


I want to learn how to program like a pro
create something of your own or become a hacker. Here already as
life will show
I want to program and program until I'm blue in the face. Because I
want to get better
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