
Russian universities


Top 10 Russian universities


Moscow State University named after M.V.
• One of the oldest and largest classical universities in Russia, one of the
centers of national science and culture, located in Moscow.
• Since 1940 it has been named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The full
name is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
Education "Lomonosov Moscow State University". The abbreviation "MSU"
is widely used. The university includes 15 research institutes, 43 faculties,
more than 300 departments and seven branches (including six foreign - five
in the CIS countries and one in Slovenia). Since 1992, Academician Viktor
Antonovich Sadovnichy has been the rector of Moscow State University.


Moscow State University named after M.V.
• Since 1940 it has been named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.
The full name is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of
Higher Education "Lomonosov Moscow State University". The
abbreviation "MSU" is widely used. The university includes 15 research
institutes, 43 faculties, more than 300 departments and seven branches
(including six foreign - five in the CIS countries and one in Slovenia).
Since 1992, Academician Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy has been the
rector of Moscow State University.


Moscow State University named after M.V.


Saint Petersburg State University(SPbGU)
• One of the oldest, largest and leading classical universities. The University is
one of the most important centers of science, education and culture in
• St. Petersburg University teaches according to its own higher than federal
educational standards, prepares graduates in demand on the modern labor
market in leading companies in various industries. Among the graduates of
St. Petersburg State University are six prime ministers of the country and
two presidents of the Russian Federation. Nine Nobel Prize winners studied
and worked at the University.


Saint Petersburg State University(SPbGU)


National Research University Higher School of
• Autonomous institution, federal state higher education
institution. HSE was founded in 1992, and has had its
current status since 2009. The main campus is located in
Moscow, three more - in St. Petersburg, Nizhny
Novgorod, and Perm


National Research University Higher School of
• HSE was the first in Russia to switch to the undergraduate and graduate
programs; university experts are responsible for the development and
implementation of the Unified State Exam. Since 2013, the university has
been participating in Project 5-100. HSE representatives are members of the
Expert Council under the Government of Russia, the Public Chamber,
various councils and commissions. University staff participated in the
creation of strategies for the development of the country, in the
modernization of education and health care, civil service reform, worked on
the "Electronic Russia" program and many other projects [7].


National Research University Higher School of
• For 2018, the HSE is among the three largest universities
in Russia and the most popular Moscow universities [8].
The total number of students and graduate students of
the university is more than 40 thousand people, about 6
thousand teachers and research workers.


National Research University Higher School of


Russian Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration
• The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) was established by
the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 20.09.2010 No.
1140 by joining the Academy of National Economy under the Government
of the Russian Federation (ANKh, year of establishment - 1977) of the
Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the
Russian Federation (Civil Registry Office, established in 1991), as well as 12
other federal state educational institutions.


Russian Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration


Moscow State Institute of International
Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
• One of the leading Russian and world universities , which trains
specialists in 18 areas: international relations, foreign regional
studies, economics (international economic relations),
jurisprudence (international law), journalism (international
journalism), political science, advertising and public relations,
sociology, management, trade, ecology and nature management,
state and municipal administration, finance and credit, linguistics,
teacher education, psychology, personnel management, business


Moscow State Institute of International
Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
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