
Walt Disney Productions


The work was done by
Grigorieva Polina


• The Walt Disney Company is a
company that developed from the
vision and work of only a small
amount of people, mainly Walt
Disney. Disney Studios became a
big success because of the
creativity, determination, and
effort put forth by Walt Disney
who never gave up and got upset
when people wouldn't work as
hard as him.


• In 1893, Roy Disney was born on December 5, and in
1901 on the same day, Walter Elias Disney was born. In
1923 Walt and Roy left their home in Kansas City to try
their luck in Hollywood, California. Walt only brought a
few cartoon drawings, a used suit and $40. Walt did the
drawing and creating and his brother operated the
cameras and the accounting. Their careers didn't begin
smoothly but Walt was determined not to give up. Many
times it looked like they wouldn't make it, but in 1928
Walt created Mickey Mouse and saved the Disney
Brothers Studio. They produced the world's very first
sound cartoon. From that point on Disney Studios
continued to grow adding characters like Pluto, Donald
Duck, and Goofy.


• Walt helped design the studio because his main
concern was to produce a self-sufficient, stateof-the-art production factory. There were
separate buildings for the animation, inking,
painting, and camera. The sound facilities
included dubbing, scoring, effects, and voice
recording studios. Most of the buildings were
connected together by underground passages so
that even in bad weather the production of
films would not be disturbed. In the 1950's the
studio expanded adding sound stages and
production craft facilities. The studios
continued to expand as the need for new
technologies increased.


Disney now owns many cable networks
including ABC, the Disney Channel, the
History Channel, A&E, ESPN, and Lifetime
television. They also own the Anaheim
Mighty Ducks. After Walt Disney died of lung
cancer in 1966 the most creative people inn
Hollywood no longer wanted to work for
Disney. They decided to form Touchstone
Pictures so that their movies would not only
appeal to children and young families but as
well as young adults and older audiences. In
1984 the Walt Disney Company hired
Michael Eisner as it's chairman and CEO.


Disney has become so large that they have
organized themselves into many companies. There
are companies to run the different aspects of the
company such as a company to only work on
feature-length films, one to create live-action, one
manages Disneyland and other theme parks, one
manages television stations, and there is one to
handle the cable companies. Disney is a publicly
traded company where people from all over the
world can buy stocks in it.


• Disney plays a large part in the media
aspect of the world, being one of the
largest companies to produce classical
animation but it also play a large part
when it comes to volunteering. Disney
sponsors a program called VoluntEARS
where employees of Disney voluntarily
provide meals to the elderly, they help
raise money for cancer research and they
take part in community programs and
work with children and young people at


The Walt Disney company has come a
long way since Mickey Mouse first was
created in 1928 and Walt Disney wanted
his love for original animation and
entertainment to live on. With many
animated successes today and many
other successful films, the Walt Disney
Company has reason to believe that Walt
and the other founders should be very
proud of their success.


It is Disney that owns a record number of Oscars: for
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Dumbo",
"Beauty and the Beast", "Bambi". But the fabulous
entrepreneur did not stop at cartoons: for his
daughters and millions of young fans of Disney
cartoons, he opened the first Disney amusement park.
Already in the 1960s, Disneyland began to make
such a profit that Walt and his heirs instantly became


To date, Walt Disney Productions is second in
scope only to Time Warner. It is a giant media
holding company that owns several film companies,
recording studios, newspapers, magazines, a
television network and 535 branded stores. Disney
has its own baseball and hockey teams playing for
it, and the annual turnover of the huge enterprise
exceeds $21 billion.


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