
New Technologies


МБОУ «лицей№8» г. Новоалтайска
New Technologies
Ученики 9 класса Б
Sokolov Nikita
Proshynina Sasha


Cars using gasoline will be replased with
electric ones
We going to talk about new technologies that will
replace people s work in the future
1.Exhaust gases have a bad effect on the environment,
on the atmosphere. Also, the maintenance of electric
cars with electricity is cheaper than refueling
conventional cars with gasoline
(Кто не понял : Выхлопные газы плохо влияют на
окружающею среду, на атмосферу. Также
обслуживание электроэнергией электрокаров
дешевле нежели заправка обычных машин


Household chores will performed not by people but
by robots
2.There will be home robots that will perform
various chores around the house and help the
owner of the house. They will be universal and
in addition to banal things like cleaning, they
contain many different functions. For example,
if a robot can be in the role of a nanny, a guard,
an interlocutor, a cook and a good friend


Robots can people drivers, factory workers, doctors
3.Soon there will be no need to work with people’s
hands on factories. Robot will be able to do any
small job. It wan’t affect well because people be
able to earn and live. The doctor is a very difficult
and important job. Robot will be able to perform
adjective operations, but will not be able to be
responsible for people’s lives. At any time the
equipment can break down and the patient may
suffer from it.


Finally, we want to say that robots will
completely replace a person the will
only be able to facilitate the work and
replace it for a while
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