
Exception redesign requirements


Exception redesign requirements
We need to redesign the current logic on how exceptions are created in backend and redesign the exception complex form for
users in UI. Flag addition logic must be also redesigned as we need to be able to trigger multiple flag additions into 519
table without creating multiple actions and transitions.
1. New Exception Reason creation - super admin view – check next slide with mock-up
A. Groups:
Option to create Groups within Domains. Groups are needed only to group different main Exception reasons within a Domain to
provide a better UI and have the exceptions organized better.
During a new Exception Reason creation, super admin should have option to select if a Group is needed. If yes, there should
be option to create new group item or select an already created group.
Exception reason will be added under the created or selected group.
B. Immediate / Next cycle effect:
Super admin should be able to mark if the Cycle Effect applies or not for the Exception Reason. In case it doesn’t apply,
then during exception submission the Cycle effect section should be hidden.
This is mandatory step and Create button should not be enabled until an option under Cycle effect is selected.
C. Single / multi select option for Categories / Sub-Categories
Super admin should have option to tick if the selection of Categories/Sub-Categories should be single or multi select.
Apply the below logic:
o If the Exception Reason has only Categories, then Single/Multi select should apply for the listed Categories.
o If the Categories within Exception Reason have Sub-Categories, then Single/Multi select should apply at Sub-Category
level. In this case, super admin must have the option to assign the Single/Multi select at Category level, which will apply
for the listed Sub-Categories.
This is mandatory step.
Example: For this exception "Access to compensation due to Internal HP reporting mismatch“ we have 4 categories: PS, Print,
Supplies, Other Specializations. Super admin needs to be able to select at Category level if the subcategories are single
or multi select.
D. Guidelines: Super admin should have option to choose to add Guidelines for the Single/Multi select option which will
help users to understand the single/multi select logic. Guidelines should be added at Category/Sub-Category level. These


1. New Exception Reason creation – super admin view
Add Group
Super admin should be able to mark if the Cycle
Effect applies or not for the Exception Reason.
In case it doesn’t apply, then during exception
submission the Cycle effect section should be
Cycle effect Yes
Super admin should have option to
create new group item or select an
already created group.
Exception reason will be added
under the created or selected
This is mandatory step and Save button should
not be enabled until an option under Cycle
effect is selected.


1. New Exception Reason creation – super admin view
Remove Audience
Single select Multi select
Add guidelines Yes
Super admin should have option to tick if selection of
Categories/Sub-Categories should be single or multi. Apply the
below logic:
- If the Exception Reason has only Categories, then
Single/Multi select should apply for the listed Categories.
- If the Categories within Exception Reason have SubCategories, then Single/Multi select should apply at SubCategory level. Super admin must have the option to assign the
Single/Multi select at Category level, which will apply for
the listed Sub-Categories.
Super admin should have option to tick if selection
of Categories/Sub-Categories should be single Add
option for super admin to choose if guidelines should
be added or not for each of the Categories/SubCategories. To be added at Category/Sub-Category
If Yes is selected, then for each Category/SubCategory, the super admin should have a free text box
to insert guidelines text.


Exception redesign requirements
2. New exception form redesign – UI - check next slides with mock-up
A. Display Groups under the line containing Domain and above drop-down Exception Reason.
B. When user gets under the Select Exception form, the Cycle effect section should be hidden by default. After an
Exception Reason is selected, then display the Cycle effect section if Cycle effect is ticked for the selected Exception
Reason, otherwise keep the section hidden.
In case the Cycle effect is ticked, the user must still have the option to select manually between the 2 available effects
'Immediate' / 'Next cycle'.
C. If the Category is marked with 'Multi select' then user should see the categories listed as in the attached mockup,
slide 6, and have a check box/radio button near each of the categories. Another option would be to list the categories one
under another and allow user to multiselect.
If the Category is marked with 'Single select' then we apply current logic, the categories are listed one under another and
user can select only 1 item.
In case of 'Multi select' the tool must restrict user to select 2 values that contain the same BU and different track. List
of BUs: PS, Print, Supplies, Poly.
For ex.: user can select PS Synergy and Print Synergy, but user cannot select both PS Synergy and PS Power.
D. Add info pop-ups at Category level which will contain text in the below format:
Based on the selected option for that category, Single or Multi select, display text “Single selection allowed” or “Multi
selection allowed”.
Below this text display the Category Description from backend.
Check slide 7 for mockup and example.


2. New exception form – UI – Select Exception tab
Program Membership
Performance & True
Performance & True Retail
Compensation Plan
Collaboration (Power
Hybrid Advantage
Capabilities (Power only)
(Capability assessment)
Cycle effect section should be
dynamic: to be displayed if
Cycle effect has Yes selected or
hidden if No is selected for the
selected Exception Reason.


2. New exception form – UI – Select Exception tab
Program Membership
Performance & True
Compensation Plan
Collaboration (Power
Hybrid Advantage
Capabilities (Power only)
(Capability assessment)
Performance & True Retail
PS Synergy
PS Power / CDR
Print Synergy
Print Power / CDR
Supplies Synergy
Supplies Power /CDR
Poly / Peripherals
Power/ CDR
Multi select mock-ups.
The tool must restrict user to select 2
values that contain the same BU. List of
BUs: PS, Print, Supplies, Poly.
For ex.: user can select PS Synergy and
Print Synergy, but user cannot select
both PS Synergy and PS Power.
True Retail (<2 stores/
failed Digital Readiness)
PC revenue exception for
Print revenue exception for


2. New exception form – UI – Select Exception tab
Example: For this exception "Access to compensation due to Internal HP reporting mismatch“ which has 4
categories: PS, Print, Supplies, Other Specializations.
If Category “PS” is Single select, then display on mouse hover a pop-up with below text:
Single selection allowed
Request to provide compensation to a partner due to HP system issues - Compensation will apply to current quarter. For any
target-based compensation, Requester must ensure that the partner has a target assigned in Quota Deployment. Beware this
DOES NOT trigger any membership, for membership exception, a separate exception is required.
Single selection allowed
Request to provide compensation to a partner due to HP system issues - Compensation will apply
to current quarter. For any target-based compensation, Requester must ensure that the partner
has a target assigned in Quota Deployment. Beware this DOES NOT trigger any membership, for
membership exception, a separate exception is required.


Exception redesign requirements
3. Logic to submit exception requests in case of multi selected Categories/ SubCategories:
Once user clicks on Submit a Request, the tool must submit one exception request.
The approver user (action primary/backup users) should be able to unselect the
initially selected items before approving. Then, once approved, the tool must
perform multiple triggers in case of multiple selected items.
4. Improvements for auto-checks and Trigger logic into 519:
We need to simplify the auto-checks within transitions, so that we can remove the
need to create multiple transitions. In some exception request templates, we have
more than 10-20 auto-checks that are checking which category/sub-category was
selected and executing one trigger, such as the below example:
In case we need to add multiple flags, we need to create new actions with other
We need to simplify the Trigger logic and remove the current Table Data Collector
in case of 519 table.
Proposal for auto-checks: Create a special backend table where we map all the
rules (auto-checks per request template) and create a service that would perform
the auto-checks in the backend table and be able to trigger multiple flag
additions/ flag removals.
Proposal for Trigger into 519 of flag addition/ removal:
Replace the current Table Data Collector form in case of 519 table with a backend
table that contains all the information from this form. Then the service autocheck should take the code details from this backend table.
In this case, the backend table will contain the Code, CodeName, Type, StartDate,
• In case of action Add we use [request.datenow] in StartDate
• In case of Action Remove we use


Exception redesign requirements
5. Notifications
In case the exception is approved with multiple categories/ sub-categories selected, we need a new expression that will
include a list of the approved categories/ sub-categories in the notifications. Something as in the below example.
Notification template extract from
User view
Exception request details:
Exception request details:
Partner name:
Partner Id: {{request.partner.PartnerID}}
Exception request:
Partner name: Friend OA Center Co.,Ltd.
Partner Id: 991000650384
Exception request:
Exception Reason: {{request.MainParameter}}
Exception Category:
• {{request.data.ExceptionReason}}
• {{request.data.ExceptionReason}}
• {{request.data.ExceptionReason}}
Exception Reason: Track Change due to revenue
Exception Category:
• Supplies revenue exception for Power /
Business reason
• Print revenue exception for Power / Business
• PC revenue exception for Power / Business
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