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The World of Barbie


The World of Barbie
Time to Read!
Barbie is a cultural icon that has been around for over 60 years. She was first introduced in 1959
and has since become one of the most popular toys in the world. Barbie has evolved over the
years, with different versions of the doll being released to reflect changing fashion trends and
societal values.
Many children have grown up playing with Barbie dolls, creating their own little Barbie worlds.
The Barbie doll is not just a toy, but a way for children to express their creativity and
imagination. Barbie has also been used as a teaching tool, with teachers using the dolls to
teach children about different professions and lifestyles.
However, Barbie has also been criticized for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and
gender stereotypes. The doll's proportions have been called into question, with some saying
that her body shape promotes an unhealthy body image for young girls. Additionally, Barbie
has often been portrayed as a stereotypical "girly" girl, with a focus on fashion and appearance
rather than other interests.
Despite these criticisms, Barbie remains a beloved toy for many children around the world. In
recent years, Mattel, the company that produces Barbie, has made efforts to diversify the doll's
image and promote more inclusive values. They have released dolls with different skin tones,
body types, and disabilities, as well as dolls that represent different professions and interests.
Overall, Barbie has had a significant impact on popular culture and continues to be a source of
inspiration and imagination for children everywhere. Whether you love her or hate her, there's
no denying that Barbie has left her mark on the world.
Let's Learn Some Essential Vocabulary!
dream house
to dress up
to style hair
to play pretend
Barbie collection
classic toy
to make believe
to have a tea party
Let's Dive into a Dialogue!


Hi Sara, how are you?
Not great, my daughter keeps pestering me to buy her Barbie dolls.
Oh no! What's wrong with that?
I just think they're really bad for girls' self-image. They perpetuate harmful
stereotypes about beauty and body image.
Hmm...I see what you mean. But lots of kids love them. And there's so much
merchandise out there. There must be something good about them...
I suppose it's just the commercialization that bothers me. The way girls are
encouraged to buy all these clothes and accessories just to fit in with a certain
look or lifestyle.
But don't most toy companies do that? It's not just Barbie.
True. Maybe I'm overreacting.
Well, why don't you try talking to your daughter about it? Make sure she
understands the difference between fantasy play and real life...
Yeah, maybe I'll sit down with her this afternoon and have that conversation.
Good idea. At least then you'll feel like you've done your part in helping her grow
up healthy and independent.
Thanks for being understanding, Sophie. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one
who thinks stuff like this is important.
No problem, you know I always value your opinion. And who knows, maybe one
day there will be a more realistic doll on the market that doesn't promote
narrow-minded thinking...
That would be great!
Until then, let's just keep spreading the word and doing what we can to change
the industry.
Time to Answer Some Open Questions!
1 What is Sara's concern about Barbie dolls?
2 Why does Sara think that Barbie dolls are bad for girls' self-image?


3 Does Sophie agree with Sara's opinion on Barbie dolls?
4 What bothers Sara the most about the commercialization of Barbie dolls?
5 How does Sophie suggest that Sara address her concerns with her daughter?
6 What does Sophie mean by "fantasy play" in the conversation?
7 Do both women believe that there should be a more realistic doll on the market?


Correct Answers
4 Correct Answers:
1 Sara is concerned about her daughter wanting to buy Barbie dolls.
2 Sara thinks that Barbie dolls perpetuate harmful stereotypes about beauty and body
3 Sophie doesn't necessarily agree with Sara's opinion, but she understands where
she's coming from.
4 The way girls are encouraged to buy all these clothes and accessories just to fit in
with a certain look or lifestyle bothers Sara the most.
5 Sophie suggests that Sara talk to her daughter about the difference between fantasy
play and real life.
6 By "fantasy play," Sophie means playing make-believe or pretending to be someone
7 Yes, both women hope that there will be a more realistic doll on the market one day.
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