
видео урок по эссе_3


на основе графиков
на высший балл


Part 2
Абзацы 4-5:
Необходимая лексика
Примеры абзацев
Варианты написания
Готовые эссе


4 абзац


4 абзац = Проблема и решение
Вводное слово/вводная фраза («мостики между абзацами»).
Проблема – реалистичная, проблема должна формулироваться
точно по заданию.
Если информация из графика подходит как источник идей для
формулировки проблемы, ее можно использовать
Но графике часто проблемы нет.


4 абзац = Проблема и решение
Решение – конкретное, соотносится с проблемой:
решение должно представлять из себя конкретный шаг,
действие/ меру, которая позволит/ может решить / решает


4 абзац
необходимая лексика


affects… in a negative way, has a negative effect on … / has a bad influence on…
has negative/ serious/ far-reaching consequences (for …)
is harmful (harms …, does sb harm, does harm to sb…), is damaging (does
serious damage to…),
dangerous, there is a risk of / that … , puts sb under (the) threat (of)


Lack of…
Not enough
Too much
An excessive amount of
• Opportunities
• Time
• Money
• Health
• Knowledge, education, abilities, skills, qualifications, aptitude for… ,
• Awareness
• Motivation
• Confidence
• Support


- Personal
- Social
- Psychological / mental
- Physical
- Financial
- Education
- Environment
- Morality
- Stability
- Well-being


1) Более простой способ
Unfortunately, +
One (possible) solution / A good solution
to this problem is …
• there can be some problems with …
• there is one problem that university
students / smartphone users / readers The best way to solve this problem is to …
often face…
• one can face some problems while…
One of the best / the most effective
• people can experience several problems solutions to this problem is …
with / while …
• a number of problems can arise when … To solve this problem, it is important (for
sb) to do …
• One of them is …
To solve this problem, one should / has to
• For example, …
/ needs to …
• It is …




4. Unfortunately, teenagers can face some problems with
spending leisure time. One of them is that they cannot use their
leisure time productively and just waste it scrolling through
news feeds on their phones or watching YouTube videos. To
solve this problem, teenagers should prepare a list of interesting
and useful leisure activities and stick to it when they have free




4) Unfortunately, there can be some problems with studying
online. One of them is that flexible study hours can lead to
more procrastination and less productivity. For some
students it is difficult to concentrate on learning when there
is no fixed study timetable and there is no teacher who
oversees them. To solve this problem, students should
develop an effective study plan for themselves and stick to it.




4) Unfortunately, one problem can arise when people choose
a film to watch. It occurs when they read film reviews
containing some misleading information or subjective
criticism. Because of this viewers may choose a film that they
will not enjoy. The best solution to this problem is to avoid
reading reviews when choosing a film and rely only on official


2) Более сложный способ
- связать с таблицей по принципу
‘от плюса к минусу’


- связать с таблицей по принципу
‘от плюса к минусу’
• Apparently, there are many advantages IN living in the countryside.
However, there are disadvantages too. One of the problems is a lack
of entertainment. (Indeed, most opportunities for entertaining oneself
are now concentrated in urban areas.) To solve this problem,
governments and businesses should invest money into creating such
opportunities not only for big city dwellers but also for those who live
in the countryside.




- Although there are many advantages in going to a youth camp,
there are some disadvantages too. One problem is … To solve this
problem, … should …
- Although going to a camp is usually associated with positives /
positive emotions, there can be some problems. One problem is …
A good / effective solution to this problem is …
- Although going to a youth camp is usually a positive experience, it
has some downsides. One of them is that … It is a very serious
problem which can be solved by … / if …


- Although there are many advantages in going to a youth
camp, there are certain disadvantages. One problem is that
some teenagers feel uncomfortable when they come to a
camp because they find themselves surrounded by complete
strangers and have to participate in many different activities.
To solve this problem, teenagers and their parents should
choose smaller youth camps with a flexible routine and a
relaxing environment.




– outline a problem with choosing a holiday destination and suggest a way of solving it;
- Although choosing a holiday destination is usually
associated with positive emotions (is usually a very positive
experience), there can be some problems. One of them is
that there are now too many holiday destinations to choose
from. With so many places available, it can be really difficult
for some people to make a choice. A good solution to this
problem is to read some reviews on reliable travel review
sites and choose the most popular holiday destination.


5 абзац


5 абзац = Заключение
В заключении должно быть 3 компонента:
указание на свое мнение (I think, I am sure, In my opinion/
view, I believe, I have no doubt about it);
само мнение (что именно вы думаете), точно в
соответствии с тем, что указано в пункте плана;
пояснение (объяснение, почему вы так думаете)


5 абзац
Необходимая лексика + Примеры:


Как писать заключение
- conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on living in a big city
What is your opinion on … ?
Why do you think so?


Как писать заключение
role / importance:
In conclusion, I believe that + your opinion +
- I have no doubt about it because it can do/does … a lot of good.
- … because it can benefit/benefits … in many ways / the benefits for… are
- … because it is a very positive and valuable experience.
- … because … attach a lot of value to …
- … because it is the best way to develop essential life skills (and avoid potential
difficulties / the problems that are usually associated with …)
- … because these skills are essential for a productive life and a successful career.
- … because it is the key to a happy and productive life / succeeding in …
I am absolutely sure that the benefits far outweigh any potential


Your opinion on the role / importance - ?
1) в чем конкретно эта роль/важность заключается
2) какая эта роль/важность: plays an essential/important
role / … is extremely/vitally important / … of great


5) In conclusion, I would like to say that summer youth
camps are important because they benefit children and
teenagers in many different ways. I have no doubt about it
because my personal experience of going to a summer
youth camp proves it.


Как писать заключение
the best:
In conclusion, I believe that + your opinion +
- … because it is the most effective / successful / enjoyable…
- … because it is the most valuable experience for ...
- … because it is the best way to develop essential life skills.
- … because these skills are essential for a productive life and a successful career.
- … because it is the key to a happy and productive life.
- … After all, there is nothing better than … for … / if you want to …
+ I have no doubt about it because it can do … more good than any other way of

+ … because it can benefit … in all sorts of ways / the benefits are truly immense.


5) In conclusion, I would like to say that like most of the respondents / the
surveyed Zetlanders, I prefer to spend my Saturday evenings in a café. I believe
that going to a café is the best way to spend a Saturday evening because it is the
most relaxing and enjoyable activity for a weekend, in my opinion.
5) In conclusion, I would like to say that I prefer to spend my Saturday evenings
in a café. I believe that going to a café is the best way to spend a Saturday
evening because it is the most relaxing and enjoyable activity for a weekend, in
my opinion.


Как писать заключение
How to:
In conclusion, I believe that + your opinion + WHY (объяснение)
- In conclusion, I believe that to … , one should / needs to / has to … . In
my view, it is the most effective way to … / a very effective way that always
produces positive/good/the best results.
- In conclusion, I believe that it is very important / it is essential to … in
order to … . I have no doubt about it because it is a very effective strategy,
and my personal experience proves it.
- In conclusion, I would like to say that while/when … , you should … . In my
opinion, only in this case you will / can …


– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on how
to choose birthday presents for your friends.
5) In conclusion, I would like to say that while/when
choosing a birthday present for your friends, you should
take into consideration their interests and hobbies. In my
opinion, only in this case you will find a gift that your
friends will really like and will not forget.


5) In conclusion, I would like to say that to find a good job
one should search the Internet for vacancies. I have no doubt
about it because it is the most reliable and effective strategy


Как писать заключение
the quality of…, the content, the dreams, disadvantages, …
In conclusion, I believe that + your opinion:
охарактеризовать something + WHY (объяснение)


4) … One problem often faced by users of social networks is
dealing with inappropriate or even disturbing content that is
uploaded and shared there. The best solution to the problem is to
use special applications that block access to harmful content
through special filters.
5) In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, much of
what can be found on the Internet is still low-quality and there is
still a lot of inappropriate content there. I have no doubt about it
because my experience of using the Internet proves it.


4) … One problem often faced by users of social networks is
inappropriate and even disturbing content that is uploaded and
shared there. The best solution to this problem is for users to use
special applications that block access to harmful content through
special filters.
5) In conclusion, I would like to say that there is still some
inappropriate and low-quality content on the Internet, at the same
time, a large part of online content is useful and very interesting. I
think so because my experience of using the Internet proves it.


Примеры написания


Пример эссе 1


Выделяем главное в задании


Анализируем статистику
Отмечаем самый высокий и самый низкий процент, выделяем группы
процентов = факты.


Продумываем содержание эссе: пишем краткий план
1 абзац, вступление: The aim of my project is to examine/ find out… + тема
2 абзац: 1 факт – 33% + 8%; 2 факт – 25%, 20%, 14%
3 абзац: сравнение = 33% vs. 8%, the respondents, like many other young people
today, want to feel secure in life, financial stability is more important than selfdevelopment
4 абзац: problem = health issues, such as back pain and eyestrain, solution = to buy
ergonomic equipment, use blue light filters and take regular breaks at work
5 абзац, заключение: plays an indispensable role in today’s world -> it permeates
every aspect of modern life


1. Вступление:
1. The aim of my project is to find out why a career in IT is very
popular among Zetland teenagers. As part of my project, I
have found a table with some results of relevant opinion
polls, and in this essay, I will describe the data and express my
opinion on the subject of the project.


Аспект 1: Вступление соответствует предложенной теме проектной работы
The aim of my project is to find + правильно передана ситуация
out why a career in IT is very + проект упомянут + понятно, что я
Zetland выполняю проект
teenagers. As part of my
+ тема проекта передана точно
project, I have found a table (перефразировать необязательно)
with some results of relevant
opinion polls, and in this essay, I + страна и респонденты указаны
will describe the data and верно
express my opinion on the + понятно, о каких данных речь ( =
результаты опросов и откуда взяты
subject of the project.
данные («я нашел/нашла»)


2. Факты (2-3):


Во 2-м абзаце описывать данные из графика во взаимосвязи с заданным
респондентам вопросом, четко и полно сформулировав выбранные
респондентами ответы (если опции из графика не увязываются с этим вопросом,
то «аспект раскрыт неточно или не раскрыт»). Это можно сделать одним из двух
1) раскрыв содержание вопроса
2) упомянув сам вопрос:
при описание 1-й опции:
1) According to the table, having 2) According to the data, the most
.interesting activities (33%) is the most common/popular response to the opinion
popular reason why the respondents have poll question “Who is your favourite Russian
joined a school club. … … … …
composer?” is Pyotr Tchaikovsky (30%). … …


2. Факты (2-3):
2. According to the table, a good salary (33%) tops the list of /
comes first among the reasons why the surveyed teenagers have
chosen an IT career, whereas constant development (8%) ranks
last. The other three reasons are a large number of vacancies,
working from home and creative work, at 25%, 20% and 14%


Аспект 2: 2-3 факта из диаграммы приведены
• According to the table, a good + ссылка на таблицу / данные /
salary (33%) tops the list of the результаты опросов – понятно,
reasons why the surveyed
teenagers have chosen an IT + приведены три факта
development (8%) ranks last. The + данные описываются во
other three reasons are a large взаимосвязи с opinion poll question
number of vacancies, working
from home and creative work, at + проценты переданы верно
25%, 20% and 14% respectively.
+ числовые данные написаны


2. ИЛИ:
2. According to the data, the most common response to the
opinion poll question “Why have you chosen an IT career?” is a
good salary (33%), whereas the least common response is
constant development (8%). The other three responses/reasons
are a large number of vacancies, working from home and
creative work, at 25%, 20% and 14% respectively.


3. ИЛИ:
2. According to the data, the most common response to the
opinion poll question “Why have you chosen an IT career?” is
“Good salary” (33%). “Many vacancies” comes third with 25% of
the vote, followed by “Working from home” and “Creative work”,
at 20% and 14% respectively. “Constant development” is the
least popular response, making up only 8% of the total.


3. Сравнение (1-2):
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference
between the top and the bottom figures in the table. In fact, the
figure for a good salary is 25% higher than that for constant
development. I think the reason is that the respondents, like
many other young people today, want to feel secure in life and
attach far more importance to financial stability than to selfdevelopment.


Аспект 3. 1–2 существенных сравнения даны и прокомментированы
• Interestingly, there is quite a
considerable difference between the
top and the bottom figures in the + 1 сравнение дано, сравнение
table. In fact, the figure for a good существенное;
salary is 25% higher than that for
constant development. I think the + приведен комментарийreason is that the respondents, like пояснение
many other young people today, want
to feel secure in life and attach far + есть «мостик» к абзацу
more importance to financial stability
than to self-development.


3. ИЛИ:
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference
between the figure for a good salary and that for constant
development: the former is 25% higher than the latter. I think
the reason is that the respondents, like many other young
people today, want to feel secure in life and attach far more
importance to financial stability than to self-development.


4. Проблема и решение:
4. Although building a career in IT is beneficial in different ways, it has
some downsides. For example, some IT specialists often face health
issues, such as back pain and eyestrain, caused by sitting long hours in
front of a computer. A good solution to these problems is to buy
ergonomic equipment, use blue light filters and take regular breaks at
4. Although building a career in IT is beneficial in different ways, it has
some downsides. For example, some IT jobs involve sitting long hours
in front of a computer which causes such health issues as back pain
and eyestrain. A good solution to these problems is to buy ergonomic
equipment, use blue light filters and take regular breaks at work.


Аспект 4. Возможная проблема, связанная с работой в IT сфере, обозначена,
и её решение предложено
• Although building an IT career is
beneficial in different ways, it has
some downsides. For example,
some IT jobs involve sitting long
hours in front of a computer, which
конкретное, реалистичное
causes such health issues as back
pain and eyestrain. A good solution +
есть «мостик» к абзацу
to this problem is to buy ergonomic
equipment, use blue light filters and
take regular breaks at work.


4. ИЛИ:
4. Unfortunately, some IT jobs involve sitting long hours in front
of a computer which causes such health problems as back pain
and eyestrain. A good solution to these problems is to buy
ergonomic equipment, use blue light filters and take regular
breaks at work.


5. Заключение:
5. In conclusion, despite some problems associated with working
in the sphere of IT, I think that it is a good idea. I firmly believe
that information technology plays a vital / indispensable role in
today’s world because it permeates every aspect of modern


Аспект 5. Мнение автора о важности ITв заключении выражено и обосновано
• In conclusion, despite some
problems associated with IT jobs,
+ свое мнение обозначено +
I think that it is a good idea to
start a career in this sphere. I почему я так думаю);
firmly believe that information
an + свое мнение: строго по теме.
indispensable role in today’s
world because it permeates
every aspect of modern life.


Финальный вариант:
1. The aim of my project is to find out why a career in IT is very popular among Zetland teenagers.
As part of my project, I have found a table with some results of relevant opinion polls, and in this
essay, I will describe the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
2. According to the table, a good salary (33%) comes first among the reasons why the surveyed
teenagers have chosen an IT career, whereas constant development (8%) ranks last. The other
three reasons are a large number of vacancies, working from home and creative work, at 25%, 20%
and 14% respectively.
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference between the top and the bottom figures in
the table. In fact, the figure for a good salary is 25% higher than that for constant development. I
think the reason is that the respondents, like many other young people today, want to feel secure
in life and attach far more importance to financial stability than to self-development.
4. Although building an IT career is beneficial in different ways, it has some downsides. For
example, some IT jobs involve sitting long hours in front of a computer which causes such health
issues as back pain and eyestrain. A good solution to this problem is to buy ergonomic equipment,
use blue light filters and take regular breaks at work.
5. In conclusion, despite some problems associated with IT jobs, I think that it is a good idea to
start a career in this sphere. I firmly believe that information technology plays an indispensable
role in today’s world because it permeates every aspect of modern life. (274 w.)


1. The aim of my project is to find out why a career in IT is very popular among Zetland
teenagers. As part of my project, I have found some results of relevant opinion polls, and in this
essay, I will describe the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
2. According to the data, the most common response to the opinion poll question “Why have
you chosen an IT career?” is a good salary (33%), whereas the least common response is
constant development (8%). The other three reasons are a large number of vacancies, working
from home and creative work, at 25%, 20% and 14% respectively.
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference between the figure for a good salary
and that for constant development: the former is 25% higher than the latter. I think the reason
is that the respondents, like many other young people today, want to feel secure in life and
attach far more importance to financial stability than to self-development.
4. Unfortunately, some IT jobs involve sitting long hours in front of a computer which causes
such health problems as back pain and eyestrain. A good solution to these problems is to buy
ergonomic equipment, use blue light filters and take regular breaks at work.
5. In conclusion, despite some problems associated with IT jobs, I think that it is a good idea to
start a career in this sphere. I firmly believe that information technology plays an indispensable
role in today’s world because it permeates every aspect of modern life. (256 w.)


Пример эссе 2


Выделяем главное в задании


Анализируем статистику
самый высокий
и самый низкий
= факты.


Продумываем содержание эссе: пишем краткий план
1 абзац, вступление: The aim of my project is to examine/ find out… + тема
2 абзац: 1 факт – 38% + 32% + 20%; 2 факт – 7% +3%
3 абзац: сравнение = 38% vs. 3%, комментарий = feel too tired to go to the
cinema after a busy working week and enjoy watching films at home
4 абзац: problem = spend a weekend at home but do not have a rest and do
household chores instead, solution = make a list of chores, do some of them during
the working week, minimizing the number of chores done at weekends
5 абзац, заключение: staying at home for the weekend -> the most effective way to
recharge my batteries and prepare for another working week.


1. Вступление:
1. The aim of my project is to find out how people in Zetland
prefer to spend their weekends. As part of my project, I have
found a pie chart with some results of relevant opinion polls,
and in this essay, I will describe the data and express my
opinion on the subject of the project.


Аспект 1: Вступление соответствует предложенной теме проектной работы
The aim of my project is to find + правильно передана ситуация
out how people in Zetland prefer
+ проект упомянут + понятно, что я
to spend their weekends. As part выполняю проект
of my project, I have found a pie
chart with some results of + тема проекта передана точно
relevant opinion polls, and in this (перефразировать необязательно)
essay, I will describe the data and + страна и опрошенные указаны верно
express my opinion on the subject
+ понятно, о каких данных речь ( =
of the project.
результаты опросов и откуда взяты
данные (I found…)


2. Факты (2-3):


2. Факты (2-3):
2. According to the data, relaxing at home (38%) is the most
popular way to spend weekends among the respondents,
followed by eating out (32%) and meeting with friends (20%). At
the other end of the spectrum, there are such weekend activities
as shopping and going to the cinema, at 7% and 3% respectively.


Аспект 2: 2-3 факта из диаграммы приведены
• According to the pie chart, relaxing + ссылка на таблицу / данные /

at home (38%) is the most popular
откуда взяты данные
way to spend weekends among
the respondents, followed by
+ приведены два-три факта
eating out (32%) and meeting with
friends (20%). At the other end of + проценты переданы верно
the spectrum, there are such
weekend activities as shopping + числовые данные написаны
and going to the cinema, at 7% цифрами
and 3% respectively.


2. Факты (2-3):
2. According to the data, the most popular response to the
opinion poll question “How do you prefer to spend your
weekends?” is relaxing at home (38%), followed by eating out
(32%) and meeting with friends (20%). The two least popular
responses are shopping and going to the cinema, at 7% and 3%


3. Сравнение:


3. Сравнение (1-2):
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference
between the figure for relaxing at home and the one for going to
the cinema: the former is 35% higher than the latter. This is
probably because the respondents feel too tired to go to the
cinema after a busy working week and enjoy watching films at


Аспект 3. 1–2 существенных сравнения даны и прокомментированы
• Interestingly, there is quite a
considerable difference between
the figure for relaxing at home and сравнение существенное;
the one for going to the cinema:
the former is 35% higher than the + приведен комментарийlatter. This is probably because the пояснение
respondents feel too tired to go to
the cinema after a busy working + есть «мостик» к абзацу
week and enjoy watching films at


4. Проблема и решение:
4. Although relaxing at home at the weekend is generally a good
idea, it has some disadvantages. One of the problems is that
when people spend a weekend at home, instead of having a rest,
they do household chores and get more tired. A good solution to
this problem is to make a list of domestic chores and carry out
some duties during the working week, minimizing the number of
chores done at weekends.


Аспект 4. Возможная проблема, связанная с работой в IT сфере, обозначена,
и её решение предложено
• Although relaxing at home at the
weekend is generally a good idea, it
has some disadvantages. One of the
problems is that when people spend реалистичная
a weekend at home, instead of having
a rest, they do household chores and
get more tired. To solve this problem, конкретное, реалистичное
one should make a list of domestic
chores and carry out some duties
during the working week, minimizing
the number of chores done at


4. ИЛИ:
4. Unfortunately, there can be some problems with relaxing at
home at the weekend. One of them is that instead of having a
rest, people do household chores and get more tired. A good
solution to this problem is to make a list of domestic chores and
carry out some duties during the working week, minimizing the
number of chores done at weekends.


5. Заключение:
5. In conclusion, I would like to say that despite some
disadvantages of staying at home for the weekend, for me it is
the best way to spend my weekends. I think that it is the most
effective way to recharge my batteries and prepare for another
working week.


Аспект 5. Мнение автора о важности ITв заключении выражено и обосновано
• In conclusion, I would like to say
that despite some disadvantages
+ свое мнение обозначено +
of staying at home for the
обосновано (дано пояснение,
weekend, for me it is the best way почему я так думаю);
to spend my weekends. I think
that it is the most effective way to + свое мнение: строго по теме.
recharge my batteries and prepare
for another working week.


Финальный вариант:
1. The aim of my project is to find out how people in Zetland prefer to spend their weekends. As part of
my project, I have found some results of relevant opinion polls, and in this essay, I will describe the data
and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
2. According to the data, relaxing at home (38%) is the most popular way to spend weekends among the
respondents, followed by eating out (32%) and meeting with friends (20%). At the other end of the
spectrum, there are such weekend activities as shopping and going to the cinema, at 7% and 3%
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference between the figure for relaxing at home and the
one for going to the cinema: the former is 35% higher than the latter. This is probably because the
respondents feel too tired to go to the cinema after a busy week and prefer watching films at home.
4. Although relaxing at home at the weekend is generally a good idea, it has some disadvantages. One
problem is that instead of having a rest, people do household chores and get more tired. A good
solution to this problem is to make a list of domestic chores and carry out some duties during the
working week, minimizing the number of chores done at weekends.
5. In conclusion, I would like to say that despite some disadvantages of staying at home for the
weekend, for me it is the best way to spend my weekends. I think that it is the most effective way to
recharge my batteries and prepare for another working week. (270 w.)


1. The aim of my project is to find out how people in Zetland prefer to spend their weekends. As
part of my project, I have found some results of relevant opinion polls, and in this essay, I will
describe the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
2. According to the data, the most popular response to the opinion poll question “How do you
prefer to spend your weekends?” is relaxing at home (38%), followed by eating out (32%) and
meeting with friends (20%). The two least popular responses are shopping and going to the
cinema, at 7% and 3% respectively.
3. Interestingly, there is quite a considerable difference between the figure for relaxing at home
and the one for going to the cinema: the former is 35% higher than the latter. This is probably
because / I think the reason is that the respondents feel too tired to go to the cinema after a busy
week and prefer watching films at home.
4. Unfortunately, there can be some problems with relaxing at home at the weekend. One of them
is that instead of having a rest, people do household chores and get more tired. A good solution to
this problem is to make a list of domestic chores and carry them out during the working week,
minimizing the number of chores done at weekends.
5. In conclusion, I would like to say that despite some disadvantages of staying at home for the
weekend, for me it is the best way to spend my weekends. I believe that it is the most effective way
to recharge my batteries and prepare for another working week. (267 w.)


Good luck with
your exam ;)
If you have any questions, please let me know:
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