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Faculty of Philology Belarusian State University
Faculty ofPhilology
Belarusian State University
About the FacultyThe main faculty of the country for
the training of philologists, which
has been successfully working in the
educational services market for
more than 80 years.
- 1250 students study.
- there are 15
- it is possible to choose
one of 6 specialties.
- 22 doctors of sciences
teach at the departments.
History of the facultyThe training of qualified philologists has
been conducted since the very foundation
of the university - 1921. However, for a
long time, a sepa ra te faculty did not yet
The Faculty of Philology remained the largest at the
university. So, in 1968/69. 2652 students studied here.
This number remained virtually unchanged for the next
forty years.
Department of Russian LiteratureDepartment of English Linguistics
Department of Theoretical and Slavic Literary Criticism
Department of Russian Language
Department of Rhetoric and Methods of Teaching Language
and Literature
Department of History of Belarusian Literature
Department of Belarusian Linguistics
Department of German Linguistics
Department of Theoretical and Slavic Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Department of Classical Philology
Department of Foreign Literature
Department of Romance Linguistics
Department of Chinese Philology
Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a
Foreign Language
Department of Belarusian linguisticsThe department was created in 2019.
Teachers(19): 4 professors and 12
associate professors. Main disciplines:
History of the Belarusian language,
Stylistics and culture of Belarusian
speech, Linguistics of the text and others
They specialize in the study of the
Belarusian literary language, the history
of Belarusian linguistics and the modern
Belarusian language.
Department of Foreign LiteratureThey specialize in teaching English,
German, French, Italian languages
disciplines: History of foreign
History of literature of the country of
the language being studied,
Mythology of the Romano-Germanic
History of foreign criticism
The department was created in 1944.
Teachers (16): 1 professor and 9 associate
Department classical philologyThe department was created in
1995. Teachers (10): 1 professor
and 4 associate professors.
They specialize in linguistics and literary criticism. Scientific
directions: Reception of ancient heritage in European culture. Main
disciplines: Ancient mythology, History of Ancient Rome, History of the
Latin language, Modern Greek language, Latin-language literature of
Belarus and others
ReceptionMinsk, st. K. Marx 31
+375 17 379-36-21