What is motivation, and what can teachers do to help "motivate" students? what does it mean to develop a positive mathematical
Motivation is the basis of any independent activity.
To increase the motivation of students, teachers usually offer:
Factors contributing to the development of positive motivation:
Категория: ПсихологияПсихология

What is motivation, and what can teachers do to help "motivate" students?

1. What is motivation, and what can teachers do to help "motivate" students? what does it mean to develop a positive mathematical

What is motivation, and what can
teachers do to help "motivate"
what does it mean to develop a
positive mathematical disposition?
Describe some strategies that can be
used to promote positive dispositions
and counter mathematics anxiety of

2. Motivation is the basis of any independent activity.

Motivation means investing a person's
resources, such as:
will, etc.
in achieving the desired goal.

3. To increase the motivation of students, teachers usually offer:


provide students with a sense of progress,
experiencing success in activities, for which it is
necessary to correctly select the level of complexity of
assignments and deservedly evaluate the result of the
all the possibilities of the educational material in
order to interest students, put problems, activate
independent thinking;
organize the cooperation of students in the lesson,
mutual assistance, positive attitude of the group to the
subject and study as a whole;


is right to build a relationship with students,
be interested in their successes, have
see the individuality of each student, to
motivate everyone, relying on the motives
already available to the student;
students have to be forced to learn,
constantly encouraged or punished, to
involve parents for joint control.


Teaching mathematics is primarily a
solution of problems.
Therefore, tasks are the main
motivation environment for students.
The ability to solve problems is a
criterion for the success of teaching

7. Factors contributing to the development of positive motivation:


I. Novelty of content:
Obtaining or displaying through the
task of new mathematical information
for students.
Inclusion in the content of the task of new general
information for students (information reflecting the life of
the country, the city, the technical school, the group,
information related to the life of the animal and plant
world, facts that reflect intersubject communications,


Reflection of connection with practice
If the student sees in the problem being solved the opportunity to apply the
knowledge gained in practice (in everyday life, when studying other subjects,
etc.), then there is interest in its solution.
Tasks from the practice of everyday life:
One bank promises a profit to the depositor of 2% per month, and the other - 25% per annum. Where is it
more profitable to invest money?
Kilowatt - an hour of electricity costs 3 rubles. 10 kop. The electricity meter on July 1 showed 8637 kilowatthours, and on August 1 - 8805 kilowatt-hours. How much (in rubles) should I pay for using electricity in
The taxi driver made 180 trips for 40 km each month, spending 18144 rubles on gasoline. How many liters
per 100 km was the average driver used, if he bought gasoline at a price of 24 rubles. per liter?
The task of working in a carpentry workshop:
At what equal distance from each other and from the ends of the ladder can you arrange 7 steps with a
width of 4 cm on a ladder 2 m long 68 cm?
The task associated with basic construction:
How many linear meters of linoleum in width of 2 m it is required for a floor covering in length of 5 m or in
length of 8 m?


III. Reflection of the historical aspect
Tasks with a "historical" plot can bear somebody's name, reflect
facts from the life of specific historical figures, contain
information from the history of the country, science,
technology, etc.
For example:
Representatives from 40 countries, 1 artist from each country, take part in the
Eurovision song contest. All performances are broken by a toss-up for 2 semifinals, 20
performances each. The order of performance in the semifinals is also determined by
drawing lots. What is the probability that the speech of the representative of Russia will
take place in the second semifinal and will not be earlier than 12 on the score?


IV. Entertaining
In the lessons of mathematics, we need tasks and exercises that
would revive the lesson. Such tasks with an entertaining plot
develop ingenuity, natural wit. The interest in the content of the
task stains the teaching material in a special way, makes the
decision process more attractive, acts as an emotional basis, on
which a positive attitude to the subject is created.
For example:
The coin is thrown several times so that each time with equal probability, the "Eagle" or
"Tails" drops out. Find the probability that with 4 tossing coins and "Eagle" and "Tails" fall


V. Non-standard question
One of the important factors is the formulation of the question of the type
problem: "Will it suffice?", "Will it succeed?" "Is it fifty-fifty?", "who is faster?",
"what can you find in the task, prove it?" and so on. It is interesting to consider
the problems "without questions". Such tasks teach students to consider all
sorts of conclusions from these parcels, which is extremely necessary in the
solution of many problems of proof, in the proof of various theorems.
Achievements of technical progress, especially in the field of informatization, are met with
particular enthusiasm by the students. And of course, it is necessary to use the curiosity
and high cognitive activity of students for the purposeful development of their personality.


All this is required to know the teacher so
that the formation of positive motivation in
the learning activity was successful.
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