Похожие презентации:
Mormons. The influence of christian ethics on success in business
1. Mormons: The influence of Christian ethics on success in business
2. Christian doctrine
Attitude to labor in the light of this teaching:From I century to XVI (Orthodoxy, Catholicism)
From XVI to XIX (Protestantism)
From XIX to today (New Religious Movements)
3. Mormon doctrine
It is not a Christian church, because some of their beliefsdiffer from mainstream Christianity
Unique view of cosmology, history, theology
Calls not only for constant spiritual practices
4. Successful Mormons
5. The reasons of this phenomenon
Respect for the perseverance, diligenceMissionary work, which brings communication skills,
independence, non-standard thinking
The corporate structure of the church, permanent “career
6. The reasons of this phenomenon
Disuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, coffeeThe emphasis on family values, support
“Divine” motivation to success