Рortfolio of my works
Аs they say: school years are wonderful years
Batik and glass painting
Wood carving
Wood painting
University bachelor's life

Рortfolio of my works

1. Рortfolio of my works

Welcome to the world of arts and

2. Аs they say: school years are wonderful years

*I studied techniques of working with different
materials: with threads and fabric, with art painting
on fabric, glass and wood, with wood carving.
*For each type of decorative art, I took part in
exhibitions and received a degree of laureate,

3. Needlework

*From 7 years (before studying
at school) to grade 5 I was
engaged in needlework. I
studied different schemes of
knitting, made toys, knitted
on a grid.

4. Embroidery

*Then before 8 class I studied
with embroidery. As in
needlework first I learned
different technics and the
next I made some works.

5. Batik and glass painting

*In middle school, I went to batik's Studio and painted

6. Wood carving

*In the 8th grade there was a
school component - wood
carving. I studied geometric
carving, Tatianka woodcarving.
Cut on the painted and unpainted
surface of a tree.

7. Wood painting

*In the 11th grade I was
engaged in painting on
woodIn the 11th grade I
was engaged in
Gorodetsky wood

8. University bachelor's life

*To be continued…
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