Students’ independent work#2
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Students’ independent work#2

1. Students’ independent work#2

Students’ independent work #1 consists of 6

2. Assignment #1 (20 points)

• My dream house (Дом моей мечты)
• Record your reading of presentation.
• Look through the sample below

3. My dream house (sample)

• My dream house is a
two storey detached
• There are 2 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms, 2 living
rooms, a study, a
kitchen, a recreation
room, a gym, a
balcony and a
swimming pool.

4. This is my bedroom. It is very big and bright.

• There is a big bed near the wall, a lamp near my
bed and a glass table opposite the bed.

5. My bedroom

• There are some famous abstract paintings on the
walls and a geometric carpet on the floor. There
is a fireplace in the wall.

6. This is my living room

• There is a big sofa, two armchairs, three tables, a
lamp in my living room. There are white, violet
and brown pillows on the sofa. There is a furry
brown carpet on the floor. There is a set of
twelve pictures above the sofa. There are brown
curtains on the windows. My living room is cozy
and bright.

7. My living room

• There is also a TV set in front of the sofa and a lamp
near it. There are shelves for tea services, plates and

8. This is my kitchen

• There is a modern kitchen set in
my kitchen. There are shelves,
cupboards, a sink, a hooker, a
microwave oven, an oven, a
fridge, a freezer, a table and some
chairs in my kitchen.


This is my bathroom
• There is a toilet
pan, a bath, a
shower, a washing
machine, a sink
and a mirror in
my bathroom.
There are photo
wall-papers of sea
and dolphins on
the walls.

10. This is the room for my collection of vinyl records.

11. There are shelves with vinyl records, DVDs and CDs. There is a vinyl record player.

12. This is my library with such masterpieces as Great Gatsby, Anna Karenina and The Thorn Birds.

13. This is my second living room with some contemporary art works.


• This is my art
room. In my art
room I can paint,
play the piano,
listen to music,
write poetry,
make sculptures
or just enjoy
pieces of art.

15. This is my dining room

• There is a table in the middle of my dining room. There are four
chairs around the table. There are pictures on the wall. There is
also a wooden chest of drawers, a mirror above it, a lamp and a
vase on it. There is a Persian carpet on the floor.

16. This is my swimming pool. You can swim in it and sunbathe nearby.

17. Assignment #2 (20 points)

• Make notes to the topic “Accounting the age
and specific features of children in the course of
their education” and record audio of reading
your notes. Complete the table:
Young learners

18. Assignment #3 (20 points)

• Prepare a presentation for the topic “Children’s
collective and its educational possibilities” (10-15
slides) and record audio or film a video for the
• Requirements for presentation:
• Number of slides – 10-15 slides
• There should brief information (notes) in each slide
• Check information on quality
• Use headlines for slides
• The slide background is neutral
• Use pictures, tables, schemes, lists
• Final slide is for references

19. Assignment #4 (40 points)

• Create a mind map for Lesson in the condition
of developing education. You can use a sample of
mind map below:

20. Key elements

Structure of lesson –
Principles Aims/ goals –
Objectives –
Forms (traditional and non-traditional) Methods Teaching aids (+information) School subjects Learners and their characteristics –

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