Archangelsk University

Archangelsk university

1. Archangelsk University

2. Archangelsk University

The Northern State
Medical University is a
Russian higher
educational institution.
Founded in 1932 for
the training of health
personnel in the
European North of

3. Coat of Arkhangelsk University

4. History

In 1935, the Institute
established the
Department of Physical
Education and Medical
In 1994 the Arkhangelsk
Institute was reorganized
into the Arkhangelsk State
Medical Academy.
In 2000 he became the
Northern State Medical

5. Training program

Arkhangelsk Medical University is a versatile
university that implements educational programs
of various levels. Educational activity is
conducted on:
5 specialties of secondary education and 18
specialties of higher education;
postgraduate education programs;
programs of additional vocational education.

6. Faculties

It includes 11 faculties.
Students can be trained in:
Dental Faculty;
Pediatric faculty;
Pharmaceutical Faculty;
Faculty of nursing education;
Faculty of clinical
psychology and others.

7. Prestige

SGMU is considered to be a prestigious university in the
north-western region. The students of the Arkhangelsk
Medical University are not only representatives of Russia,
but also many students from India, North Africa and other

8. Dental Laboratory

9. Surgery office

10. Pediatric Faculty

11. Thank you for attention

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