New Year!
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

New Year

1. New Year!

Filimonova Valeria 7-a


New Year is a holiday coming at the moment
of transition from the last day of the year to
the first day of the next year. It is celebrated
by many peoples in accordance with the
adopted calendar.

3. History New Year!)

The date of the New Year from different peoples • The old New Year - only in Russia and
some post-Soviet countries such a controversial name is possible. The day ends with a
series of New Year holidays in the country. • New Year according to the lunar calendar is
confined to the second new moon after the winter solstice, and each year falls on different
dates. China is famous for the most magnificent New Year celebrations. • The Muslim New
Year for Hijra is celebrated on the first day of the holy month of Muharram. And since the
Muslim year has 354 lunar days, the holiday is constantly shifting.
• Buddhist New Year Sagaalgan falls in different years for the period between the end
of January and the middle of March, and is celebrated in the first spring new moon.
Thai New Year From 13 to 15 April, from Monday to Friday from 11 to 18 April. • On
August 11, Navasard, National Identity Day, is celebrated in Armenia, which earlier
marked the beginning of a new annual cycle. Today the New Year celebrations are held
here, as in most countries of the post-Soviet space, on the night of December 31 to
January 1. • The Slavic New Year was celebrated on September 14 (or September 1
according to the old style).


Santa Claus
Santa Claus is the main fairy-tale character at
the New Year holiday, the East Slavic version of
the Christmas giver [the source is not specified 42
days]. The creation of the canonical image of
Santa Claus as an obligatory character of the
New Year - and not the Christmas - holiday took
place in the Soviet era and dates back to the
late 1930s, when after several years of
prohibition the tree was again allowed. The
prototype of Santa Claus is the Slavic deity master of winter, cold and frost

5. Snow Maiden

• Snow Maiden - a
fabulous and New Year's
character, Grandfather
Frost's granddaughter,
his constant companion
and assistant. At the
holidays provider.
Snow Maiden

6. Traditions of the New Year

New Year always gives us hope for the
best, gives a lot of gifts and pleasant
emotions. During this period we can easily
feel like heroes of a fairy tale. We all
remember childhood, perceiving what is
happening around the eyes of the child.
Everyone wants so much to believe in Santa
Claus and Snow Maiden, who will surely
come to visit us and that somewhere far
away, in the cold regions, there is a
beautiful Snow Queen. Some will not agree
with me, but in the soul this happens to
everyone. And the New Year is to blame for
everything - the time of fulfillment of the
most cherished desires. The main thing is to
adjust only to good, kind, and all desires
will come true

7. Homeland of Santa Claus

Great Ustyug began to position himself as the
birthplace of Santa Claus less than fifteen years ago,
but the fame of this place has already spread
throughout Russia. Every winter, children and adults
from different cities of the country come to visit the
fairy-tale character to plunge into the amazing
atmosphere of the holiday and get acquainted with
the real Santa Claus.

8. As needed to conduct New Year

Celebrate New Year's holiday is best in
the circle of close people. It's good if
the whole family gathers at the New
Year's table. You can invite your closest
friends. Meet the Year Dogs need no
special "luxuries", it is better if the
situation is not solemn, but more homely
and cozy. Categorically, binge and
frivolous behavior, loud chants, dancing
"before the fall“.

9. What to celebrate the New Year?

To begin with, you need to
determine the color gamut,
which must be strictly
maintained. It is best to
choose an outfit of one or
two primary colors, as well
as one auxiliary shade. It is
permissible and the mixture
of colors, most importantly that the outfit is not lurid and

10. As the New-year table must be decorated

Given that the dog is unpretentious in food,
at any rate, it is not a gourmet and is not
interested in delicacies, New Year's dishes
should be the most common. Of course,
decorating them with greens, vegetables
and fruits is possible and even necessary,
but the availability of any expensive
gastronomic delights will be superfluous.
Another tip that applies to all dishes,
except desserts: cook as many meat dishes
as possible. After all, dogs are crazy about

11. Roll of crab sticks

Beetroot cheesecake
with trout
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