Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №2 городского округа город

New year in Russia and new year and christmas in the UK

1. Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №2 городского округа город

(Исследовательский проект)
Prepared by Kobzeva
Zhanna 8 ‘A school№2
Teacher- Sokolova E.V.
Novovoronezh, 2020

2. Introduction

The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the interest to the the study of
historical data of the origin of holidays in Britain and Russia.
Purpose: to get acquainted with the celebration, traditions and customs of the New
year in Russia and the New year and Christmas in the UK.
The Object: Russian and British culture
The subject of research: comparison of holidays in Russia and the UK.
Methods: analysis,comparison, search.

3. Introduction

Tasks: 1) collect information about the history of these holidays;
2) find out how they are celebrated nowadays.
3) compare holidays
New Year is a magical time for everyone. This holiday is eagerly awaited
all year round. In this day adopted wish each other happiness, joy and for
good. Hearts are filled with love, and the house has an incredible festive

4. The history of the holiday (Great Britain)

Until 1752, when Great Britain and its American colonies switched
from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, the advent of the New
Year fell on Catholic Christmas (December 25).

5. The history of the holiday (Russia)

In 1699, Tsar Peter I issued a decree on the celebration of the New
year on January 1. This was done following the example of all
European countries that lived on the Gregorian calendar.

6. Traditions and customs (Great Britain)

In England, there is such a tradition as decorating the house with
a sprig of mistletoe. There is an opinion that the mistletoe hung in
the house brings happiness and good luck. In addition, it is
believed that this plant protects the house from the penetration of
evil spirits and dark forces.

7. Traditions and customs (Russia)

It is customary to celebrate the New Year in the family circle,
among relatives and close friends. Preparation for the celebration
lasts all December. During this period, shops Windows are full of
Christmas cards, gifts, bright signs. December 31 is the main day
of preparation.

8. Decorations (Great Britain)

A week before the holiday, the house is carefully cleaned.
Windows and rooms in the house are decorated with fresh spruce
branches, as well as other green vegetation.

9. Decorations (Russia)

A few weeks before the holiday, Russians decorate the streets of
cities, shop Windows, shopping centers and houses with garlands
and Christmas compositions. In each house, a Christmas tree is
installed, which is decorated with balls, garlands.

10. The English Santa Claus

Santa is dressed in a red and white coat with a strap and belt, red
pants and a red cone-shaped hat with a white frill. There is a belief
that the English Santa moves on a sled with reindeer, a huge bag
of gifts that he distributes obedient kids, if they behaved well in
the outgoing year.

11. Russian Father Frost

Our Russian Father Frost wears a warm hat with a fur fringe and a
long-sleeved fur coat. It can be red, blue or even white. Fur coat or
loose, or tied with a belt or sash. Santa Claus is always not alone
– with his granddaughter snow Maiden, who is depicted as a
beautiful, rosy-cheeked girl with a long blond braid and a fur coat.

12. Conclusion

After analyzing New Year in Russia and the UK, you can see that
they have something in common, as the main attributes of the
celebration are present in both countries. But each country has
special customs peculiar only to the people living there.

13. Literature

1) Википедия {Электронный ресурс}. - https://ru.wikipedia.org
2) https://vmireprazdnika.ru/novyj-god-v-anglii
3) https://my-calend.ru/holidays-info/novyy-god-v-rossii
4) https://my-calend.ru/holidays-info/novyy-god-v-anglii
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