My first semester at the University of Turan
My first day started with a line where the Rector greeted and wished good luck to all students in studies…
Then began studying where I met my classmates from Turan college and met new classmates and then…
Every day we went to Turan, held a lifestyle, learned the subjects by heart, hit the books to pass the winter session with
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

My first semester at the University of Turan

1. My first semester at the University of Turan

2. My first day started with a line where the Rector greeted and wished good luck to all students in studies…

3. Then began studying where I met my classmates from Turan college and met new classmates and then…

4. Every day we went to Turan, held a lifestyle, learned the subjects by heart, hit the books to pass the winter session with

flying colours.
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