a design is furniture

A design is furniture

1. a design is furniture


Исторя мебель
History of furniture : furniture styles and interiors from times of Ancient
Egypt to our days. Furniture, as inalienable part of design, also changed in
time. Thus there was either modification of already existent elements of
furniture or birth something span-new. Most ancient from the well-known to
us standards of furniture are the Egyptian small boxes from an ebony with
encrustation from malachite, ivory and turquoise. Their wreckages were
found in tsar's tombs of the III century to our era.

3. Известные дизайнеры мебели Well-known designers of furniture

Известные дизайнеры мебели
designers of furniture
Токудзин Ёсиока
Антонио Читтерио
Пьер Полен
Марк Ньюсон
Геррит Ритвель

4. Используемые материалы|

Used materials|
Assembling of furniture
Natural stone
A natural tree (natural wood) is Furniture from an array is an environmentally clean furniture for the
health of man
Board (whole array)
Furniture shield, furniture bar (glued array)
Обивочные materials
Artificial stone

5. Классическая мебель,

Classic furniture,
Designers arrive at different results different expressive facilities.
Every style of interior contains the certain kit of these resources, in
a great deal qualificatory that, what emotions the design of
apartment will cause for you, your folks and guests

6.   Мебель бытовая   Furniture is domestic it is the wares, intended for the situation of different apartments, apartments,

summer residences, for the use

7. Мебель для общественных помещений  Furniture for public apartments is the wares intended for the situation of apartments пред

приятий and establishments taking into
account character of their activity and specific
of functional processes

8. Мебель универсально-сборная - Furniture system-build is wares from compatible details allowing to carry out forming of

furniture of the
different functional setting and sizes

9. Мебель неразборная Furniture undemountable is wares connections of that are unsectional

10. Мебель гнутая – Furniture bent is wares the basic details of that are made the method of bending

11. Мебель гнутоклееная  Furniture ply-curve is wares, the details made the method of bending with simultaneous agglutination

prevail in the constructions of

12. Мебель плетеная - Furniture wattled is wares, the details made the method of wickerwork prevail in the construction of

Мебель плетеная Furniture wattled is wares, the details made the
method of wickerwork prevail in the
construction of that.\u0017There is next
classification of types of furniture on materials:

13. Экспериментальная мебель  Experimental furniture is standards of the new developed wares that use for an estimation on

accordance to the
functional requirements and for testing.

14. thank you for attention

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