City USA
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Cities in the USA

1. City USA

Made a student with group «И-2»
Badmaev Dordzhi

2. New York City

Statue of liberty
The symbol of the United States the Statue of Liberty. Each of the
millions of visitors each year to visit a small island on which the
statue pays tribute to its beauty and grandeur.
New York City or the City of New York - the metropolis of
the world values and the largest city in the United States
with a population of over 8.3 million people. Is the
economic and financial center of the United States of
America, as well as one of the most famous cities in the
world. New York city is the center of a huge city
Metropolitan area called "Greater New York" or
Metropolitan New York. The population of the greater
new York city more than 19 million people, ranking it
second only to Tokyo, Seoul and Mexico city.
Wall Street
New York is a global symbol of
capitalism, especially clear tourists
when , seeing Wall Street or
skyscraper Rockefeller center.

3. Chicago

Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a
portage between the Great Lakes and the
Mississippi River watershed, and experienced
rapid growth in the mid-nineteenth century. Today,
the city is an international hub for finance,
commerce, industry, technology,
telecommunications, and transportation, with
O'Hare International Airport being the busiest
airport in the world; it also has the largest number
of U.S. highways, and railroad freight entering its
region. In 2012, Chicago was listed as an alpha
global city by the Globalization and World Cities
Research Network, and ranks seventh in the world
in the 2014 Global Cities Index As of 2012,
Chicago had the third largest gross metropolitan
product in the United States, after the New York
City and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, at a sum
of US$571 billion.
In 2012, Chicago hosted 46.37 million international and
domestic visitors, an overall visitation record. Chicago's culture
includes contributions to the visual arts, novels, film, theater,
especially improvisational comedy, and music, particularly jazz,
blues, soul, and the creation of house music. The city has
many nicknames, which reflect the impressions and opinions
about historical and contemporary Chicago. The best-known
include the "Windy City" and "Second City." Chicago has
professional sports teams in each of the major professional
The Chicago Bulls are an American professional
basketball team. They are known to have one of the
NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA
Championships between 1991 and 1998 . All six
championship teams were led by Hall of fame Michael
Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The
bulls are the only team in the NBA championship has
never suffered a defeat in the final in the history of the

4. Las Vegas

Las Vegas is one of the largest entertainment
and gambling in the world. Numerous casinos,
hotels, daily concerts and shows attract
tourists from all over the world. Total in Las
Vegas has more than eighty casino, several
thousand gambling halls, many luxury hotels.
Internationally known companies choose
exactly Las Vegas for presentations and
advertising campaigns
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. (also known
as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, or simply MGM), is an American
media company, involved primarily in the
production and distribution of films and
television programs.
Once the largest and most glamorous of film
studios, MGM was founded in 1924 when the
entertainment entrepreneur Marcus Loew gained
control of Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures
Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures. Its
headquarters are in Beverly Hills, California. It's
one of the oldest mini-major film studios and a
former major film studio.

5. San Francisco

Today, San Francisco is one of
the most prosperous cities in the
US, and is the fourth largest. We
can safely say that San Francisco
is a world tourist destination. With
a well-developed infrastructure,
the city is very popular among
tourists, which, in turn, brings
great income to the treasury
San Francisco is famous for its many
attractions, and curious visitors of this
vibrant city will be something to see. For
example, the pride of the State of California
- the golden bridge - one of the largest
suspension bridges in the world, or as it is
called - "Golden Gate", which seemed to
"admit" the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf.
Bridge impresses with its size, its length is
about two kilometers, and the maximum
height - 67 meters.

6. Los Angeles

Los Angeles is very big, noisy and famous all over
the world because there is Hollywood. In
Hollywood American films are made. And near
Los Angeles there is wonderful fairy land called
Disneyland. In Disneyland you can see the
characters from Walt Disney’s films.


Michigan theater
Detroit is located in the north of
the United States and is one of the
largest cities. The city is located
on the border with Canada, in the
state of Michigan. Detroit was
founded in the early eighteenth
century. Detroit is the oldest city of
the Midwest and having the glory
of the automotive capital
Despite the overall decline of Detroit, there is
still the headquarters of General Motors, in
the suburbs of Detroit - Dearborn is the
headquarters of Ford Motor Company, and in
Auburn Hills - Chrysler. Downtown, though
sparsely populated, but also relatively safe, it
remains a collection of cultural and sports
centers, as well as architectural monuments
of the past century and continues to attract
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