Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Письмо о роботах



You have received a letter from your Englishspeaking pen-friend, Max.
…I’ve just watched a TV series about robots,
their past and future. Robots are
so cool! If only they could do my homework…
…What job would you like a robot to do at
your home? What else can robots
be useful for? Do you find science fiction films
interesting or not, and why?...
Write him a letter (100-120 words)


…What job would you like a robot to do at your
I think robots can do almost all household chores. For
example, I’d like my personal robot to mop the floor,
wash the dishes and do the ironing at my home.
What else can robots
be useful for?
By the way, robots can also be used for sorting and
packing things, carrying something heavy and even
cleaning the streets.
Do you find science fiction films interesting or not,
and why?
As for your last question, I’m not interested in sciencefiction films because they seem too unrealistic to me.
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