Red wolf


Red wolf
Critically Endangered species of wolf


The red wolf is a fairly large animal with a body length
of 55-110 cm, a tail length of 45-50 cm and a weight of
17-21 kg.
His appearance combines the
features of a wolf, a fox and a
jackal. It differs from an ordinary
wolf in color, fluffy fur and a
longer tail.


The red wolf was distributed from the Tien
Shan and Altai south to the tip of Hindustan,
Indochina and the Malay archipelago. The main
part of its range falls on the mountain-forest
regions of Central and South Asia.


Measures to save the red wolf are
being taken on an international


It is necessary to identify areas where the red wolf still
appears. There should be a large warning among the
population to prevent accidental shooting of the red
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