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The youth group from Ukraine “Poshlaya Molly"


Kazanina V. and Pahorukova A. «10 B»


«Poshlaya Molly»
The youth group from Ukraine
“Poshlaya Molly" for a year
soared comlete obscurity to
the top of popularity. Without
participation in a TV show,
without promotion by famous
producers, without financial
injections, the band gathers
thousads of viewers in concert
halls in Ukraine and Russia.
And this is not a feeting
success. The style in which the
band plays is called indie rock,
original pop rock, a mixture of
rap, rock and electric music


“Kirill Bledny”
Kirill Timoshenko, known
as Kirill Bledny, the
founder of the band, was
born in Zmeiv, Ukraine on
March 31, 1997. The
band was formed in
February 2016. Kirill
llistened to a variety of
music, not always
remembering the names
of groups and musicians.
Therefore, now in his
work, fans find
references to songs of
various geners.


“Molly This…”
• Boththe music and the
lyrics for the band
"Poshlaya Molly" Kirill
wrote himself. It would
be more accurate to
say that "Poshlaya
Molly" was Kirill - only
when the band was
fiers inviter to a live
performance, he invited
the musicians.
Subsequently, their
compositions changed
several times.


“First Song”
On February 14, 2016, Kirill
posted on the internet the
first song "Your Sister's
Favorite Song", which
quickly became a hit. The
second single, released on
the court of users of
"VKontakte", bore the
mysterious mane "TMSTS".
The abbreviation stands for
in the text:" Your little sister
is so-as-so". Funny songs
about eternal teenage
problems "hooked"


"Poshlaya Molly", led
by Kirill Bledny,
continues tj delight
fans with new songs.
In early 2020, a new
mini-album, called
"Paycheck", was
released. The artist
admits that it was
much more difficult
to finish writing the
material for the
record than usual,
which took a year.


“New Songs”
Due to the tight schedule, it
was not possible to finish
the songs that were
started, and only after a
while, taking himself in
hand, the songs had to be
recorded first in Kiev, then
in Kaliningrad. And then the
team went to Poland,
where they created the last
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