Типы эквивалентности


In a midterm election year in which
the political climate and map of
battleground states clearly favors
Republicans, many GOP candidates
are nevertheless embracing some
Democratic priorities in an effort to
win over skeptical voters.


При этом мы пытаемся избежать
абсолютизации отдельных факторов – то,
что нередко было свойственно и западным,
и советским исследованиям в период
идеологической конфронтации до начала
90-х гг.
, keeping in mind that no factor is to be seen
as the one, an approach common for both
Western and Soviet researchers in the period
of ideological confrontation up until early


Под утро нередко забирал мороз, и
все покрывалось ледяной коркой.
Негде было обогреться, обсушиться.
Early mornings often saw black frost
covering everything in ice crust. There
was no shelter to get warm or dry the


1)использование синонимичных
структур, связанных отношениями
прямой или обратной
2)использование аналогичных
структур с изменением порядка слов
3) использование аналогичных
структур с изменением типа связи
между ними.


«Мальчик бросил камень»
«Камень был брошен мальчиком».
That he went there was a mistake.
It was a mistake that he went there.
«При описании данной теории...»,
«Описывая данную теорию...»


Born on the 25th of June in 1963 in
North London, George has had one
very crazy career.
I have always been fascinated by
living beings reclaiming the urban
ruins, having come across more than
just rats: wild dogs, cats, birds, and
bees nesting in sugar barrels in
abandoned sugar factories.


These spaces—abandoned subway
stations, tunnels, sewers, catacombs,
factories, hospitals, and shipyards—form
the subconscious of the city, where
collective memories and dreams reside.
Not until the seventeenth century did
the fork appear in England.
Under no circumstances will prisoners be
allowed to give interviews to the media.


Such was their excitement that they began
to jump up and down.
Американские военные признались, что
химическое оружие во время теракта в
провинции Алеппо, жертвами которого
стали минимум 25 человек. Причастность
разведка США также не подтвердила.


Halfway through Mexican President
Enrique Peña Nieto’s term, the man once
considered the reformer in chief is now
seen as the unpopular leader of a violent
country with a limping economy and a
number of corruption scandals.
Некоторые эксперты ожидали, что сразу
после вступления закона в силу
последует вал заявлений о банкротстве,
поскольку, по разным оценкам, число
заемщиков, не справляющихся со
своими долговыми обязательствами,
колеблется от нескольких сотен тысяч
до нескольких миллионов.


A meeting in defence of peace was held in
Trafalgar Square yesterday.
The meeting in defence of peace in Trafalgar
Square condemned the apartheid policy in
South Africa.
Mine is a long and a sad tale.
Повесть моя длинна и печальна.
Open flew the gate and in came the coach.
Ворота распахнули настежь, и карета уже
была во дворе.
Him I have never seen.
Я его никогда и в глаза не видел.


You are not expected to say anything here and
you can't keep too quiet a tongue in your
I could hear his teeth rattle in his head.
I've got an eye in my head! I could bring down
a running rabbit at fifty paces without a blink.
She knew that he had risked his neck to help
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