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In Classic you can get rank 14 in 15 weeks, in Season of Mastery this should be even less time, but lets say its still 15
weeks. Because of ranking available from start, you can get rank 14 even before phase 3 (Black wing layer) released.
Main hand rogue BiS
Off hand rogue BiS


This is how it will be before BWL even release
Main hand
Off hand
Keep in mind that in the right column
its Best weapons possible, and you
most likely will not get them, and
before BWL you’ll be with something
like this


During Phase 3
If you are PvE oriented player – you
probably roll on the alliance side as
human (+5 swords), same apply for
warriors, so you don’t need to switch for
sword skill weapon, your BiS is still rank 14


During phase 5
At this time most of ppl would not
yet get their maladath, so they will
run with Hakkari warblade, which
you can get in ZG


During phase 6 (end of SoM)
You will get upgrade for your weapons ONLY in
phase 6, in Naxxramas, from Kel’Thuzad. Its just
unfair to give such power again. In Classic 2019 it
was difficult to change this mess and decrease
damage of weapons, which players already have.
But in SoM we have a power of some changes.
World buffs was just a fraction of why raids was
too easy. Rank 14 weapons is the big deal, and
something should be done about it, atleast in PvE
If you are human- iblis will be bis
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