Просмотр PPT файлов онлайн
Лучшие презентации на тему «Педагогика» за месяц на английском
на всех языках
на русском
на украинском
на английском
на казахском
Methods and approaches in teaching english as a foreign language
A doctor is my future profession
Teaching English to Pre-school children. Methods and techniques
My future profession
Lesson planning
Ways of teaching grammar of a foreign language
Methods of teaching foreign languages
My future profession mechanic
Квиз "Таёжный экокласс"
Choosing methods for different age groups
Qualities of a Good Teacher
My future profession pharmacist
The role of teachers in the 21st century
The modern world of professions
Животные. Своя игра
Tech Newsletter
My future profession teacher
The Teacher’s Profession
Methods and means of modern pedagogy. Methodology. Specific methods of teaching
Structure of a lesson
Teacher-Student Relationships
Classroom management in different ages group
Merry Christmas! A Warm-Up Game
My personality and choice of future profession
Christmas quiz
My future profession
Christmas jeopardy teacher switcher
Buying a souvenir
Likes and dislikes. Lesson
Welder - working specialty, providing work in the welding industry
Game on numbers and colours
Лингвистическая игра для 6го классов (в рамках Недели английского языка)
Christmas Quiz
Pedagogy and information technologies
Formal Lesson plan
My dream profession is a physical education teacher
A Christmas quiz
Pedagogy as a science. Object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy
Didactic principles of foreign language teaching: Principle of durability
Musical Instruments
Choosing a Career
Pedagogical Club 1: Feedback, Error Correction, and Learner Autonomy
Playground «Peter Pan»
My future profession is a social worker
Creating lesson plan
Effective Lesson Planning
Object Pronouns
Правила чтения 2 класс
Audio – lingual method
The Profession of Teacher
Home Alone Quest
Activization of students' cognitive activity
Teaching profession
Jeopardy by Herber
The best age for kids to learn second language
Evidence-based educator preparation and organizational culture
My Hometown Active/Passive Voice
Christmas Quiz
Add your own ad!
School things guessing game
Classroom management in different age group
Needs analysis
Interaction with parents in preparing children for school in preschool educational organizations
My future profession: programmer
My future profession. I would like to work as a creative Director in an advertising Agency
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning ) in Kazakstan
Present Simple
Traditions. Decorations
Oxford Phonics board games
Mechanical engineers
Teenagers' problems
Why the Koala has a Stumpy Tail
Guess the animal sound game
How to Improve Your Memory
Christmas New Year. Alphabet
Me and my family
My best friend
Memory game
Jobs and Professions. Choosing a Career
Where’s santa? Game
Socio-cultural perspectives on 2nd Language Learning
Typical pronunciation mistakes of the pupils, their types. Ways of correction and preventing them
Problem Based Learning. Проблемное обучение
Comparising analyzing and ranking invention. Design your own invention
At the Toy shop
If I was president I’d…
Pedagogy of higher education
Автомеханик. My future profession - Automechanika
My future profession electrician
Pedagogics as a science
Features of primary language classroom management
Mass open online course (MOOC)
Своя-игра (pre-final)
Who wants to be a millionaire?
The World of Professions
Books and movies
Christmas Journey
Analysis of pedagogical theory and practice of professionally oriented foreign language teaching for non-linguistic specialties
Interesting facts about space