TCU (traffic control unit)

TCU (traffic control unit)

1. TCU (traffic control unit)



› TCU 2 Overview
› TCU 2 Configuration
› TCU 2 Integration
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 2

3. TCU Overview

› The Site Transport Node (STN) is a node in the Base
Station System (BSS), this is the TCU logical name, that
handle & provides a common interface between RBS
(GSM, WCDMA, CDMA, LTE, single or multi-standard,
legacy or 3rd party equipment), and IP/Ethernet over IP
over E1/T1 transport networks.
› The TCU 02 (Transport Connectivity Unit) is a component
in the RBS 6000 product family and has been designed
primarily to support Multi Standard RBS with advanced
transport functionality.
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 3

4. TCU 2

Power -48 DC
Clock Port (SNC)
management Port
8 E1s Ports: Connect 2G
RBSs or to transmission
network with ML-PPP
4 RJ45 Ethernet
› 4 SPF Ethernet ports
› Multipurpose use:
Connected to 4 of the
RJ45 ports, the
configuration decides
which one use.
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 4

5. SW TCU 02

› Abis over IP
› Abis optimization
› NTP, PTP client, Sync E
› Ethernet Bridging
› Performance monitoring
› Ethernet OAM
› Routing Ethernet & MLPPP (E1/T1)
– IPv4 Bi-directional forwarding Detection
– Policy based routing
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 5

6. TCU Overview

› What does the TCU do?
In the downlink direction, STN unpacks the IP packets received on the
Ethernet interface. The contained LAPD packets are sent to the BTS
using the super channel.
In the uplink direction, LAPD frames from the BTS are received on the
super channel in LAPD format. The LAPD frames from the super
channels are sorted according to traffic types. Traffic types configured
by the operator to be bundled together are sent to the same bundling
process and packed together into the same IP packet and sent to the
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 6

7. TCU Overview

› The feature Abis over IP makes it possible for the operators to use an
IP infrastructure for the transmission of signaling and payload between
BSC and BTS.
› The Packet Gateway, PGW, is used to terminate IP on the BSC side.
Other BTS side, IP is terminated in the Site Transport Node for RBS,
› The IP network between the PGW in the BSC and the STN in the BTS
uses IPv4. For Abis over IP, the SC concept is only a model in the
PGW, the real super channels only exists between the STN and the
BTS. The whole PCM link constitutes a super channel. Similarly to the
Digital Paths, there are four SCs with fixed size of 31 timeslots possible
to use per TG. There exist a fixed relationship between TRXs and SCs,
one TRX cannot transmit over different SCs. The SCs going to one TG
are grouped in one Super Channel Group (SCGR).
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 7

8. TCU Overview

› Using IP transport on the Abis interface the operator can substantially
lower the cost for operation and maintenance of transport networks. IP
networks also give a more cost effective transmission compared to
E1/T1 based transmission.
› The PGW handles the speech, GPRS/EGPRS and the signaling in the
same piece of hardware. The PGW can handles a mix of IP based Abis
transmission and E1/T1 based Abis transmission. Each TG can only
use one type of transmission mode.
› To support QoS handling, it is possible to put different codes on
different traffic types.
› BSC supports upto 64 PGW RPs.
› The amount of traffic one PGW can handle depends on network
configuration and traffic load. One PGW can support upto 127 TRXs
and upto 500 Erlang with a traffic load according to the traffic model.
› Cascaded sites are not supported.
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9. Ethernet bridging

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10. Access TCU

› Connect TCU via Local Management Terminal
› RJ45 conector to Local Management port
› telnet
› username: admin
› password: hidden
› TCU prompt: OSmon>
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11. Basic Command

› List available commands:
› OSmon> help

Print the log with complete configuration:
OSmon> syslog read -s system
OSmon> syslog read -s event
OSmon> syslog read -s messages
List all active alarms in the TCU
› Print uptime for the system:
› OSmon> uptime
› Reset to default factory setting, all configuration will be erased
› OSmon>ResetToFactorySetting
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 11

12. Basic Command

› List MO instances in a specific MO containment hierarchy
under and including the baseObjectInstance .

>getContainmentt1 STN=0
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13. Basic Command

› Displays Managed Object (MO) attribute values
› Eg OSmon> getmoattribute stn=0,e1t1interface=0

STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; instanceId= 0;
STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; operationalState= disabled;
STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; type= E1;
STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; transmitClockSource= localTiming;
STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; receiveClockSource= notUsed;
STN=0,E1T1Interface=0; loopbackMode= off;
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 13

14. Basic Command

› To execute configuration commands via CLI (command line
interface) is needed to do it within a transaction
› Eg
› >starttransaction s1
› >setMOAttribute s1 …
› >…
› >Checkconsistency s1
› >commit s1
› >endtransaction s1
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 14

15. SW release for TCU

TCU 02
Product number
CXP 102 134/2
R1Z (R1Z08)
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 15
Release date

16. TCU Configuration

Attaching Local Terminal O&M
Resetting Configuration
Set Time for TCU
Start basic CM Transaction
Set Unique Name for TCU
Configuring WAN & VLAN
Configuring IP interface Traffic & OAM
Configuring Routing Table for IP Interface Traffic
Configuring OSS Registration for TCU
Configuring Time Reference for TCU
Configuring Synchronization for TCU
Configuring E1/T1
Configuring TG Transport and Super Channel
Configuring QoS Mapping Policy
Finishing Configuration TCU
Getting TCU logs
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 16

17. Basic trouble shooting knowledge: LED indicators

› Power – Green color.
– On, TCU has power
– Off, TCU has no power
› Fault – Red color.
– On, Major alarms detected.
– Off, No faults detected.
› Operational – Green color.
– On, TCU is operational.
– Flashing 10 Hz, active SSH or SFTP session.
– Flashing 0.5 Hz, TCU powered but not operational.
– Off, TCU no powered.
› Information – Yellow color.
– On, Minor alarm detected.
– Off, No faults detected.
› Synchronized – Green color.
– On, TCU provides sufficient timing to RBSs for RF generation.
– Off, Timing provided by TCU cannot be used for RF generation
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 17

18. TCU Configuration

Resetting Configuration
To reset the STN configuration to default values, do the following:
Command: resettofactorysetting
This command resets the TCU to default factory setting. MIB content is
erased and persistent data including security and synchronization data
is cleared. Software archives are not affected by this command.
The STN restart takes a few minutes.
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 18

19. TCU Configuration

Set Time for TCU
settime Year(1970->) Mon(1-12) Day(1-31) Hour(0-23) Min(0-59) Sec(0-59) Msec(0-999)
settime 2011 6 15 24 00 00 000
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20. TCU Configuration

Start basic CM Transaction
starttransaction asdf
Name of the transaction can be changed with unique name eg:; 1,2,3,asdf,t1 etc
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21. TCU Configuration

Set the Unique Name (maximum 18 characters) for TCU
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 stn_name TCURBR0073
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22. TCU Configuration

Configuring WAN & VLAN
createmo asdf STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN port WANFastEthernet
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN mode AUTO
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN portNumber 0
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN sendLinkAlarmAllowed true
createmo asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN depLinkLayer STN=0,EthernetInterface=WAN
createmo asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=2G tagValue 3172
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=2G tagged true
createmo asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=OM
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=OM tagValue 3122
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=OM tagged true
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23. TCU Configuration

Configuring IP interface Traffic & OAM
createmo asdf STN=0,IPInterface=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=2G primaryIP_Address
!IP address ABIS!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=2G primarySubNetMask
!Netmask ABIS!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=2G depLinkLayer STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=2G trustDSCP true
createmo asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM primaryIP_Address
!IP address OM!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM primarySubNetMask
!Netmask OM!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM defaultGateway
!Default gateway OM!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM depLinkLayer STN=0,VLANGroup=WAN,VLAN=OM
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,IPInterface=OM trustDSCP true
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 depIP_interface stn=0,ipinterface=OM
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24. TCU Configuration

Configuring Routing Table for IP Interface Traffic
createmo asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IPRoute=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IPRoute=2G forwardingInterface STN=0,IPInterface=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IPRoute=2G nextHopIpAddress !Default gateway ABIS!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IPRoute=2G destIpSubnet
!destIpSubnet PGW!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IpRoute=2G admDistance 2
createmo asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IPRoute=NWIE
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IpRoute=NWIE forwardingInterface STN=0,IPInterface=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IpRoute=NWIE nextHopIpAddress !Default gw ABIS!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IpRoute=NWIE destIpSubnet
!destIpSubnet NWIE!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,RoutingTable=0,IpRoute=NWIE admDistance 3
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25. TCU Configuration

Configuring OSS Registration for TCU
Set wake-up registration to OSS, the OSS IP address is used.
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 wakeupregistration
!IP Address OSS!
Configure SNMP to IP address OSS
subscribe 3
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!Configure SNMP to IP Address OSS!

26. TCU Configuration

Configuring Time Reference for TCU
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 systemClockTimeServer !IP Address NTP Server!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 systemClockTimeServerType NTP
setmoattribute asdf STN=0 STN_systemClockUDP_Port 123
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27. TCU Configuration

Configuring Synchronization for TCU
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0 synchType timeServer
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0 DSCP_synchronization 48 !DSCP for Synchronization!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0 depIP_interface stn=0,ipinterface=OM
createmo asdf STN=0,synchronization=0,Timeserver=TS1
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0,Timeserver=TS1 timeServerType NTP
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0,Timeserver=TS1 STN_TS_UDP_Port 123
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0,Timeserver=TS1 TS_IP_Address
Address NTP Server!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,synchronization=0,Timeserver=TS1 TS_Priority 1
!Pbit for NTP Sync!
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 27

28. TCU Configuration

Configuring E1/T1
E1/T1 port 1
createmo asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=0
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=0 type E1
createmo asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=1
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=1 type E1
E1/T1 port 2
createmo asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=2
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=2 type E1
createmo asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=3
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,E1T1Interface=3 type E1
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29. TCU Configuration

Configuring TG Transport and Super Channel
TG Transport for E1/T1 port1
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153 depIP_interface stn=0,ipinterface=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153 pgw_ip_address
!IP Address pool PGW!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153 DSCP_L2TP_CP 48
!DSCP for L2TP_CP!
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153,SuperChannel=0
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153,SuperChannel=1
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153,SuperChannel=0 depE1T1Interface 0
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0153,SuperChannel=1 depE1T1Interface 1
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30. TCU Configuration

TG Transport for E1/T1 port2
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154 depIP_interface stn=0,ipinterface=2G
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154 pgw_ip_address
!IP Address pool PGW!
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154 DSCP_L2TP_CP 48
!DSCP for L2TP_CP!
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154,SuperChannel=0
createmo asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154,SuperChannel=1
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154,SuperChannel=0 depE1T1Interface 2
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,TGTransport=RBR0073_TG0154,SuperChannel=1 depE1T1Interface 3
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31. TCU Configuration

Configuring QoS Mapping Policy
DSCP-to-Queue mapping
createmo asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2q48 1
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2q46 2
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2q28 3
DSCP-to-PCP mapping
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2pcp48 7
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2pcp46 5
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2pcp32 6
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2pcp28 4
setmoattribute asdf STN=0,QoSPolicy=0 dscp2pcp8 4
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32. TCU Configuration

Finishing Configuration TCU
checkconsistency asdf
commit asdf forcedcommit
endTransaction asdf
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33. TCU Configuration

Getting TCU logs
log clear
log read
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Do ping test:

Ping from TCU to ME Router
Ping from TCU to OSS
Ping from TCU to FTP Time Server
Ping from TCU to NWIE and PGW
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35. TCU Health Commands

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› Thank you
Ericsson Internal | 2012-02-29 | Page 36
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