General description of the app
Gallery view (design example)
Detail view (design example)
Features required
Technical details
Requirements for the QA test


1. Test

2. General description of the app

• The app is a gallery view of images where the users can also see each image in detail
• The images can also be download if they have a specific resolution
Gallery view
Detail view

3. Gallery view (design example)

4. Detail view (design example)

5. Features required

Gallery view
1. All images (only first 30 provided by the API) will be displayed in cards on multiple rows.
2. The cards will have the same height and will adapt the width to preserve the aspect ratio of the images
3. On click on the image card, the user will open the detail view of the image
4. The card will contain the number of the image, name of the author and respectively the “download”
link/”no download” message
5. The download link is active only if the image has at least 4 Megapixel (4 x 106 pixel) and the width,
respectively height have min 2000px.
Detail view
6. The detail view will display the same content card, but with an expanded image (height 500px)
7. A back button will allow users to return to the gallery view

6. Technical details

• The code of the application is available https://github.com/andylitahh/qa_test
• The application is written with Angular.
• The settings for the tests are the default installed with Angular.
• The source of images is the Picsum API https://picsum.photos

7. Requirements for the QA test

The test targets only the client application written in Angular (no need to test the Picsum API)
Please address the following 5 points:
1. make the command ng test work
2. check if the required features are correct implemented
3. write the necessary missing test scripts
4. make at least one end to end test using cypress
5. store your test findings in the folder [root]/qa-findings .
You can provide the results of your test as code as Github link or as zip package
Thank you & good luck!
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