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Networking. Skills Demo 3


Skills Demo 3


● A device that sends data packets from one network to another.
● Primary responsibility is to direct incoming traffic to the correct device and also to send
outgoing traffic to its destination based on the information contained within the
incoming/outgoing data packets.
● Routers are primarily used to move traffic between different networks, as well as
between different sections of the same network.
● A router must be connected to at least two networks to fulfil its function.
● Routers, because routers operate at layer three, the network layer of the OSI model


● A switch is a networking device which allows other devices to connect together on a
network (LAN).
● At the business level routers and switches are usually separate devices to allow more
control and flexibility in how they function and behave.
● Routers that are used in homes almost always contain the functionality of a switch


● Service Set Identifier is an identifier for a wireless network, including home networks
and public hotspots.
● An SSID can be up to 32 characters in length and can contain letters or numbers or a
combination of both.
● It is possible to not broadcast an SSID and therefore anyone who wishes to connect to
the wireless network must know the SSID before attempting to connect.
● Without any security protocol on a wireless network a user can connect to the network
by using only the SSID.


● Wi-Fi protected access is a security protocol used to secure wireless computer
● WPA was created to address weaknesses in WEP(Wired Equivalent Policy).
● WPA provides encryption and user authentication.
● A key component of WPA is the message integrity check, a process which can
determine if a data packet has been examined or modified while being sent from the
access point to the intended receiver.


Mac filtering
● Media Access Control
● Mac filtering is the process of using whitelists and blacklists to allow or disallow a
specific device to connect to a network using the device’s mac address.
● A whitelist is a list of devices which have been granted permission to connect to the
● A blacklist is a list of devices which are not permitted to access the network.
● A mac address is a unique identifier assigned to each device by the manufacturers.
● Mac filtering provides little security for the amount of time and effort needed to set it up.


IP address
● An IP(Internet Protocol) address is an ID used to identify a device on a network
● It must be unique to the network the device is connected to
● An IPv4(Internet Protocol version 4) address consists of 32 bits of binary digits
● Most commonly written in the more human-readable form x.x.x.x where each x
represents a number from 0 to 255.
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_-qWlvQQtY


Mobile IP
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp_Jxo4bOZQ


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
A network protocol to assign an IP address to a device connected to the network.
When a device connects to a network that has DHCP enabled, it is assigned an IP address automatically from a pool of
available addresses.
DHCP also configures several other parameters such as DNS, Default gateway, and others that may be needed for proper
connectivity on the network.
Without DHCP each device would need an IP address to be manually assigned to it.
● https://www.efficientip.com/what-is-dhcp-and-why-is-it-important/


A network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic using a set of security rules to provide a
barrier to untrusted traffic.
Firewalls are usually positioned on the entry point of a network.
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1YLj06c3hM


Wireless Access Point (WAP)
A wireless access point(WAP) is a hardware device which allows the connection of Wi-Fi devices to a wired
The WAP is usually connected to a router using a wired connection
It can also be a part of the router itself.
WAPs feature radio transmitters and antennae, which facilitate connectivity between devices and the Internet or a


● A hotspot is a wireless access point that provides an internet connection for
mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones.
● Hotspots are typical in places such as airports, libraries, cafes, hotels,
including many other public areas.
● Some smartphones are capable of providing a hotspot for other devices to
connect to the internet.
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