Lab Works
Lab work #1.1
Lab work #1.2
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Lab works

1. Lab Works

Lab Works

2. Lab work #1.1

Please create the own repository with $ git init
Get the information about it with $ git status
Begin tracking a new file with $ git add
Please clone the Git linkable library called <name>, you can do so
like this:
– $ git clone<name>/<name>
– $ git clone<name>/<name> <new folder>
• Recording changes to the repository
– Committing changes
– Moving and Removing files
• Working with Remotes by doing typical workflow: pull, status,
commit, push

3. Lab work #1.2

Create a branch for a new story you’re working on
Do some work in that branch
Switch to your production branch
Create a branch to add the hotfix
After it’s tested, merge the hotfix branch, and push to production.
Switch back to your original story and continue working.
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