Staff of a restaurant
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Staff of a restaurant

1. Staff of a restaurant


If the restaurant is
working effectively ,
so all the staff of the
trained and perform
their duties . So who
works in a

3. Manager

• Production manager
(sometimes performs this
function chef ) is responsible
for organizing the process of
cooking , watching purchase
food and drinks. Drafting
correspondence -course
menu and this menu - also
his duty . The maitre d '
directs the entire work of
waiters and bartenders ,
room cleanliness , service
and serving guests. Often he
also takes orders and book
tables .

4. Cashier, financier

• They are functions
responsible for material
entrance,receipts and
expenditure, earning of
staff, tax accounts,
material losses etc.

5. Chef-cook

6. Waiter

• The waiter not only serves
the customers of the
restaurant , but also serves
tables, serve meals and
drinks. If the hall is a large
restaurant , each server is
responsible for his .
Sometimes working in the
hall head waiter ( foreman )
, which in addition to the
basic duties server performs
a number of functions for
controlling the work of less
experienced waiters and
serves VIP visitors.

7. Bartenders, hostesses

• . Profession hostess or
bartender requires
general preconditioning ,
the waiter is also
necessary to adjust their
findings for each specific
job. Given these
intricacies of our
recruitment agency will
be able to carry out
successful selection
attendants restaurant.

8. Cleaners

Handyman restaurants :
moyschitsy utensils ,
They are responsibility
for clean about
restaurant and for
clean crockery service.

9. Musician-Dj

10. Hookah

• He is clean and stain
apparatus. In short, he
is specialist of hookah.

11. Security guard

• They are responsible to
bring order smth,
provide safe of client
and staff personal.


13. Thank’s for attention!

By Onalbayeva Aizada
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