Пособия в России
The rule of payment and allowances
general conclusion
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Grants in Russia

1. Пособия в России


• the temporary disability benefits
• the allowance for pregnancy and
• lump sum women who have registered in
medical institutions in early terms of
• lump sum at birth of the child;
• lump sum at birth of the child;
• monthly allowance for child care;


• the monthly allowance for the child;
• lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to
a family for rearing;
• allowance in case of adoption of the child;
• a lump sum to the pregnant wife of a military
man, passing military service on an appeal;
• the monthly allowance for a child soldier, passing
military service on an appeal;
• a burial allowance.

4. The rule of payment and allowances

• 1) Determining the amount of allowances based on the
base amount. Thus determined, as a rule, the size of the
benefits, which according to their intended purpose
should compensate additional costs and are paid along
with other sources of income (earnings, pension), a lump
sum on the occasion of the birth of a child, funeral
benefit, etc. as the base amount to determine the size of
social payments for a long time used the minimum wage .
The rule of payment and


2) determining the amount of benefits based on the
subsistence minimum. For certain types of benefits, the
law provides for the determination of their size on the
basis of the subsistence level. Is the benefit provided to
ensure at least
some source of
livelihood in the
absence of
earnings or other


• 3) determination of the amount of the benefit
based on the earnings of the beneficiary. Thus,
determines the size of the benefits, which
according to their intended purpose are intended
to replace (fully or partially) temporarily lost
earnings of the carer.

7. general conclusion

• Allowance - is a payment made to citizens in
established by the law cases, monthly,
periodically or as a lump sum, to recover
completely or partially, temporarily lost earnings,
or financial assistance.
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