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Лучшие презентации на тему «Английский язык» за день, страница 3
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous
Артикли a/an
Kid's box 1. Unit 1. Hello!
Dvizh. Spotlight 7
Неопределенные местоимения и производные от них
Where are? You from?
Future Perfect- Будущее совершённое время
Furniture. House
Go Getter 2
Socialising. Spotlight 8
Spotlight. 2 класс
Времена английского глагола
Present Continuous
The passive voice
Косвенная речь
Charity begins at home
Progress check 3
Healthy food
Sport in our life
English speaking countries
Модальные глаголы
Adjective in English
Dvizh. Spotlight 11
Английский алфавит. 2 класс
Asking and Giving directions
My collection
Teen activities. Vocabulary
Modals in the Past
Словообразование в английском языке
Verb «to be». Глагол «to be»
The United States of America
Friends and relationship
Second Conditional
English vowels. Principles of classification
“Letter blends!”
Spotlight 3. Module 4 (Unit 8). Come in and play
English in Use: Narrating past events
Question words
Healthy eating
Spotlight 8. Module 8 b. Sports
Read the words. Match them to the pictures
Phonetic Expressive Means and Devices
Имя прилагательное (The Adjective)
Spotlight 6. Module 9. Food and Refreshments
Глагол "to be"
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
See to believe it. In search of Nessie
PPT - Present simple tense
Буквосочетания: -sh, -ch
Across the curriculum “Remembrance Day”. Module 1. 9 класс
Spotlight 3. Food
Spotlight 7. Module 9. Shopping time
Road Safety
Live in space
Road safety (6 класс)
Healthy eating
Вводный урок по английскому языку во 2 классе
Английские цифры от 1 до 10
Dvizh. Spotlight 5
Types of a hobby
First conditional
Spotlight 7. Module 6. Having fun
Времена группы past
Adverbs of Frequency
Enjoy English 4. Unit 3. Being happy in the country and in the city
My dream house
My future profession
Past Simple was were be
Общие и специальные вопросы
Today we are going to talk about hobbies
Writing an informal letter. 9 класс
Present simple, past simple, future simple
Reading rules
Dvizh. Spotlight 9. Mod 1. Grammar check
The Republic of Kazakhstan
My family Possesive case. Present Simple
Lexicology as a branch of linguistics
Grammatical categories grammatical meaning. (Lektsia 2)
Reading Rules
Глагол to be
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Kid's box 1. Unit 2. My school
Countable and Uncountable nouns
Чтение гласных букв в четырёх типах слога
Модальный глагол "can"
Spotlight 2. Unit 7. My Animals
Have to, don’t have to
Road safety. Dos and Don’ts (6 класс)
Spotlight 4. Module 4 (Unit 7). At the Zoo
Days of the week
Mystery Box Game
Time. Clock
House of my dream
The possessive case
Did you hear about…?
Treasure maps
The present simple tense. 5 класс
My Favorite Book
English-speaking countries Англоязычные страны